API Active pharmaceutical ingredient 活性药物成分
A to B Apical-to-basal 顶端侧A到基底侧B
AUC Area Under Curve 曲线下面积
BA Bioavailability 生物利用度
BCS Biopharmaceutical classification system 生物药剂学分类系统
B to A Basal-to-apical 基底侧B到顶端侧A
CER Ceramide 神经酰胺
CFD Computational fluid dynamics 计算流体动力学
CHO Cholesterol 胆固醇
CM Carrier mediated 载体介导
CNT Classical nucleation theory 经典成核理论
CSSR Critical supersaturation ratio 临界过饱和率
DDI Drug–drug interaction 药物相互作用
DRL Dissolution-rate limited 溶出速率速
DSC Differential scanning calorimeter 差示扫描量热仪
DTA Differential thermal analysis 差热分析
FFA Free fatty acid 游离脂肪酸
FaSSIF Fasted stated simulated intestinal fluid 空腹状态下的人工模拟肠液
FeSSIF Fed stated simulated intestinal fluid 餐后状态下的人工模拟肠液
FIH First in human 首次人体试验
GET Gastric emptying time 胃排空时间
GI Gastrointestinal 胃肠道
GUT Gastrointestinal unified theoretical framework 胃肠道统一理论框架
HH Henderson–Hasselbalch Henderson–Hasselbalch方程
IVIVC In vitro (dissolution)–in vivo correlation 体外(溶出)-体内相关性
LCT Long-chain triglyceride 长链甘油三酯
LHS Left-hand side 左边
MCT Medium chain triglyceride 中链甘油三酯
MMC Migrating motor complex 移行肌电复合波
NBE Nernst–Brunner equation Nernst–Brunner方程
NS Navier–Stokes Navier–Stokes方程
PAMPA Parallel artificial membrane permeation assay 平行人工膜渗透试验
PC Phosphatidylcholine 磷脂酰胆碱
PDE Particle drifting effect 颗粒漂移效应
PE Phosphatidylethanolamine 磷脂酰乙醇胺
PG Phosphatidylglycerol 磷脂酰甘油
PI Phosphatidylinositol 磷脂酰肌醇
PK Pharmacokinetics 药代动力学
PL Permeability limited 膜渗透性限速
PLM Polarized light microscopy 偏光显微镜
PPS Prediction process step 预测过程的步骤
PS Phosphatidylserine 磷脂酰丝氨酸
PXRD Powder X-ray diffraction 粉末X射线衍射
RHS Right-hand side 右边
RPM Revolution per minute 每分钟转数
SC Stratum corneum 角质层
SEDDS Self-emulsifying drug delivery system 自乳化给药系统
SITT Small intestinal transit time 小肠转运时间
SL-E Solubility–epithelial membrane permeability limited 溶解度-上皮细胞渗透性限速
SL-U Solubility–UWL permeability limited 溶解度-非搅拌水流层渗透限速
SPIP Single-pass intestinal perfusion 肠单向灌流
TC Taurocholic acid 牛磺胆酸
TG Thermal gravity 热重
USP United State pharmacopeia 美国药典
UWL Unstirred water layer 非搅拌水流层
AH Hydrogen-donor strength 氢键供体强度
AUC Area under the curve(subscript indicates administration route,etc.) 曲线下面积(下标表示给药途径等)
Ablood vessel Surface area of the blood vessel in the villi 绒毛中血管的表面积
Acc Accessibility to villi surface 绒毛表面的可及性
CD Resistance coefficient 阻碍系数
CFSSR Steady-state reduction correction factor 稳态简化校正因子
CLh Hepatic clearance 肝清除率
CLh,int Intrinsic hepatic clearance 肝固有清除率
CLperm Permeation clearance 渗透清除率
CLsubepithelial Permeation clearance of subepithelial space 上皮下区域的渗透清除率
CLtot Total clearance 总清除率
CR Controlled-release function 缓控释功能
Cactive Effective concentration for active transport主动转运的有效浓度
Cbile Concentration of bile acid 胆汁酸的浓度
Cbm Concentration of bile-micelle bound drug 胆汁-胶束结合药物的浓度
Cdissolv Dissolved drug concentration 溶解的药物浓度
Cdissolv,ss Steady-state concentration 稳态浓度
Cnc Number of critical cluster per volume 每体积下的临界簇数
Cp Plasma concentration 药物在血浆中的浓度
Cpd Particle-drifting coefficient 颗粒偏移系数
Csubepithelial Concentration of drug in subepithelial space 上皮下区域的药物浓度
Ctot Total drug concentration 药物总浓度
Cu,z Concentration of unbound drug with charge z 带电荷z的游离型药物浓度
Cwater Concentration of water(55.6M) 在水中的浓度(55.6M)
DF Degree of flatness of intestinal tube 肠腔的平整度
Dalbumin Diffusion coefficient of albumin-bound drug 白蛋白结合药物的扩散系数
Dbm Diffusion coefficient of bile-micelle-bound drug 胆汁胶束结合药物的扩散系数
Deff Effective diffusion coefficient 有效扩散系数
Disp Dispersion coefficient for GI transit 胃肠道转运分散系数
Dm(x) Local diffusion coefficient at position x in membrane 在膜中位置x的局部扩散系数
Dmono Diffusion coefficient of monomer drug 单体药物的扩散系数
Dn Dissolution number 溶出数
Do Dose number 剂量数
Doct Octanol–water distribution coefficient 辛醇-水分配系数
Dose Dose amount( subscript indicates administration route, etc.) 剂量(下标表示给药途径等)
Dpaddle Paddle diameter 搅拌桨直径
Dvessel Diameter of vessel 溶出杯直径
F Absolute bioavailability 绝对生物利用度
Fa Fraction of a dose absorbed(subscript indicates administration route, etc.) 药物吸收分数(下标表示给药途径等)
FaDRL Fa for the dissolution-rate-limited cases 溶出速率限速时的Fa
FaNI Fa calculated by numerical integration using the S1I7C1 model 用S1I7C1模型数值积分计算Fa
FaPL Fa for the permeability-limited cases 膜渗透速率限速时的Fa
FaSL Fa for the solubility-permeability-limited cases 溶解及膜渗透限速时的Fa
FaSS Fa calculated with steady-state approximation 稳态近似计算的Fa
Famin. limit Minimum value of FaPL, FaSL, and FaDRL FaPL, FaSL, FaDRL 的最小值
Fasfo Fa calculated as sequential first-order processes of dissolution and permeation 以溶出和渗透作为一级动力学方程计算的Fa
Fcn Frequency of addition of another molecule to critical cluster 在临界簇中加入另一个分子的频率
Fg Fraction not metabolized in intestinal epithelial cells 肠上皮细胞未被代谢的部分
Fh Fraction not metabolized in hepatic first pass 经肝首过未被代谢的部分
GIP Position in GI tract 在胃肠道中的位置
Gz Graetz number Graetz数
Hpaddle Height of paddle from vessel bottom 从容器底部到桨的高度
Hviili Height of villi 绒毛高度
Jmax Maximum flux by carrier-mediated transport 载体介导转运的最大流量
Jnc Primary nucleation rate per volume per time 主要成核速率/体积/时间
Jperm Permeation flux 渗透通量
Ka Dissociation constant 解离常数
Kbm Bile micelles–water partition coefficient 胆汁胶束-水分配系数
Km Michaelis–Menten constant 米氏常数
Korg(x) Local partition coefficient at position x in membrane 膜中位置x的局部分配系数
Ksc Partition coefficient into stratum corneum 进入角质层的分配系数
Ksp Solubility product 溶度积
Kw Ionic product for water 水离子积
Ktransit, k First-order transition kinetic constant 一级转运动力学常数
L Representative length 长度
LGI Length of GI tract 胃肠道长度
NA Avogadro number 阿伏伽德罗常数
NAPI,GI,k Number of API particle bins in GI position k 在胃肠道位置k的API颗粒bin数
Nn Number of nuclei 核数
Np Number of particles in one dose 某剂量下的颗粒数
PCM Carrier-mediated transcellular permeability 载体介导的跨细胞渗透
PE Plicate expansion 褶皱扩展
PUWL UWL permeability in the GI tract 胃肠道中的非搅拌水流层的渗透
PWC Permeability by water conveyance 通过水转运的渗透
Papp Apparent permeability of in vitro membrane permeation assay 体外膜渗透试验的表观渗透性
Peff Effective intestinal membrane permeability 小肠膜有效渗透率
Pep Epithelial membrane permeability 上皮细胞渗透性
Poct Octanol–water partition coefficient 辛醇-水分配系数
Ppara Paracellular pathway permeability 经细胞旁路途径的渗透率
Pplicate Plicate surface permeability 褶皱表面渗透性
Ptrans Transcellular pathway permeability 跨细胞膜途径的渗透率
Ptrans,0 Intrinsic transcellular pathway permeability of undissociated species 非解离型的跨细胞膜转运的固有渗透率
QGI Flow rate along small intestine 沿小肠的流速
Qh Hepatic blood flow 肝血流量
Qvilli Villi blood flow 绒毛血流量
Qin Infusion rate 灌注速率
RGI Radius of GI tract 胃肠道的半径
RK Renkin function Renkin函数
RMW Apparent pore radius of paracellular pathway based on MW selectivity 基于分子量选择性的细胞旁路途径的表观孔半径
RPMmin Minimum agitation speed 最低搅拌速度
RSA Ratio of drug particle surface area in UWL and villi surface area 药物颗粒在UWL表面积和绒毛表面积之比
Re Reynolds number Reynolds数
Rmucus Nominal pore radius of mucus layer 黏液层的理论孔半径
Rpara Apparent pore radius of the paracellular pathway 细胞旁路的表观孔半径
S0 Intrinsic solubility of undissociated drug 非解离型药物的固有溶解度
S0,rp Solubility of particles with radius rp 颗粒半径为rp 时的溶解度
S0, Solubility of particles with infinitely large ∞particle size 粒径无限大时的溶解度
SAAPI Particle surface area of API API的颗粒表面积
SAGI GI surface area for absorption( based on smooth tube) 用于吸收的胃肠道的表面积(基于光滑的肠腔)
SAp Surface area for one particle 某颗粒的表面积
SRn Steady state reduction number 稳态下的减少数
Sblank Solubility in a blank buffer( without micelles) 在空白缓冲液(不含胶束)中的溶解度
Sc Schmitt number Schmitt数
Scocrystal Intrinsic solubility of cocrystal 共晶的固有溶解度
Sdissolv Solubility in a biorelevant media(unbound+micelle bound) 在具有生物相关性介质中的溶解度(游离+胶束结合)
Sh Sherwood number 舍伍德数
Shdisk Sherwood number for rotating disk 转盘的舍伍德数
Shp Sherwood number for particle 颗粒的舍伍德数
Shtube Sherwood number for tube 管的舍伍德数
SnTsi Saturation number at time Tsi 在时间Tsi 时的饱和数
Snini Initial saturation number(Snini) 初始饱和数
Ssalt Intrinsic solubility of salt 盐的固有溶解度
Ssurface Solubility at solid surface 固体表面溶解度
TDO1 Time when drug amount remaining in small intestine gives Do = 1 当Do = 1时,药物在小肠中的残留时间
Tm Melting point (Kelvin) 熔点(Kelvin)
Tnexss Extended steady-state duration number 扩展的稳态持续时间数
U Flow speed 流速
Ue Microeddy effect velocity 微涡流效应速度
Ur Urinary excretion fraction 尿排泄分数
Urel,tot Relative flow velocity 相对流速
Ut Terminal sedimentation velocity 最终沉淀速度
VE Villi expansion 绒毛扩张系数
VGI GI fluid volume 胃肠液体积
Vc Velocity of intestinal fluid 肠液的流速
Vme Velocity representing microeddy effect 微涡流效应的速度
Vp Volume of one particle 一个颗粒的体积
Vrel Relative velocity between fluid and particle 液体和颗粒之间的相对速度
Vt Terminal (sedimentation) slip velocity 最终(沉淀)滑动的速度
Vx McGowans molecular volume McGowans分子体积
Wchannel Width of channel between villi 绒毛间隙的宽度
Wvilli Width of villi 绒毛的宽度
Xbm Bile-micelle-bound drug amount 胆汁胶束-药物结合量
Xdissolv Dissolved drug amount 溶解的药物量
Xu,z Amount of unbound drug with charge z 电荷为z的非结合型药物
Zch Zel’dovich number Zel’dovich 数
Zpara Paracellular pathway charge 经细胞旁路转运通道的电荷
ddisk Disk diameter 溶出碟的直径
dp Particle diameter 颗粒直径
dtube Tube diameter 管的直径
fPSB Volume percentage of each particle size bin in one dose 给定剂量下,每种粒径簇的体积百分比
fbm Fraction of bile-micelle-bound molecule 胆汁胶束-药物结合百分数
fn, f0 Fraction of undissociated species 非解离型的药物百分数
fsubepithelial Unbound fraction of drug in subepithelial space 上皮下区域的游离药物百分数
fu Bile-micelle-unbound fraction 游离的胆汁胶束百分数
fup Plasma unbound fraction 血浆中的游离药物百分数
fz Fraction of charged species 带电荷物质的百分数
g Gravitational acceleration constant 重力加速度常数
h Unstirred water layer thickness 非搅拌水层的厚度
hHJ Criteria value for Hintz–Johnson model Hintz–Johnson模型的标准值
hUWL Unstirred water layer thickness in the intestine 肠中非搅拌水层的厚度
hWF Criteria value for Wang–Flanagan model Wang–Flanagan模型的标准值
hfam Thickness of firmly adhered mucus layer 黏液层强力结合区的厚度
hUWL UWL thickness in in vitro permeability vitroassay 体外渗透性测试中非搅拌水层的厚度
hsubepithelial Thickness of subepithelial space 上皮下区域的厚度
kB Boltzmann constant Boltzmann常数
kabs Absorption rate coefficient 吸收速率系数
kdeg Degradation rate constant 降解速率常数
kdiss Dissolution rate coefficient 溶出速率系数
kel Elimination rate 消除速率
kmass Mass transfer coefficient 质量传递系数
kperm Permeation rate coefficient 渗透速率系数
ltube Tube length 管的长度
m.p. Melting point (Celsius) 熔点(摄氏度)
matom Number of atoms in molecule 分子的原子数
rmono Molecular radius 分子半径
rp Particle radius(at time t) 颗粒半径(当时间=t时)
rp,PSB Particle radius for particle size bin 粒径簇的颗粒半径
rp,ini Initial particle radius 初始颗粒半径
rp,ini,PSB Initial particle radius for particle size bin 粒径簇的初始颗粒半径
rp,nc Critical radius of nuclei 成核的临界半径
vatom Relative volume of atom 原子的相对体积
vm Molecular volume 分子体积
z Molecular charge 药物分子的电荷
ΔC Concentration gradient 浓度梯度
ΔGnc Energy barrier for nucleation 成核的能量垒
ΔHm Enthalpy of melting 熔化焓
ΔSf Entropy of fusion 融合熵
ΔSm Entropy of melting 熔化熵
Π Particle shape factor 颗粒形状因子
β Lump constant (β) of foreign particle number, sticking provability, etc 外来颗粒数的总常数
γ Interfacial tension between solid surface and fluid 固体表面和流体之间的界面张力
ε Agitation strength (Energy input per time) 搅拌强度(每次注入的能量)
η Kolmogorov’s minimum eddy scale Kolmogorov的最小涡度
λdisso Dissociation resistance from solid surface (in length dimension) 固体表面的解离性阻碍(长度尺寸)
λnc Interfacial attachment resistance (in length dimension) 界面附着阻力(长度尺寸)
μ Viscosity of fluid 流体黏度
ν Kinematic viscosity of fluid 流体黏度的运动
ρf Density of fluid 流体密度
ρp True density of drug 药物的真密度
ψcn Interfacial reaction rate correction factor 界面反应速率的校正因子