A certain King once went forth in disguiseto look into the affairs of his subjects. Presentlyhe came to a great village and being athirststopped at the door of a house and asked for water. There came out to him a fair womanwith a pitcher of waterwhich she gave himand he drank. When he looked at her,he was ravished with her and required her of love. Now she knew him;so she brought him into the house and making him sit down,brought out a book and said to him'Look in this bookwhilst I order my affair and return to thee.' So he looked into the bookand beholdit treated of the Divine prohibition against adultery and of the punishments that God hath prepared for those that do it. When he read thishis flesh quaked and he repented to God the Most High: then he called the woman and giving her the bookwent away. Now her husband was absent and when he returnedshe told him what had passedwhereat he was confounded and said in himself'I fear lest the King's desire have fallen upon her.' And he dared not have to do with her after this.
After awhilethe wife told her kinsfolk of her husband's conductand they complained of him to the Kingsaying'May God advance the King! This man hired of us a piece of landfor tillageand tilled it awhile;then left it fallow and tilled it notneither forsook itthat we might let it to one who would till it. Indeedharm is come to the fieldand we fear its corruptionfor that landif it be not tilled' spoileth.'
Quoth the King to the man'What hinders thee from tilling thy land?'May God advance the King!' answered he. 'It came to my knowledge that a lion entered the fieldwherefore I stood in awe of him and dared not approach itseeing that I know I cannot cope with the lionand I stand in fear of him.' The King understood the parable and rejoinedsaying'O fellow,the lion trampled not thy landand it is good for tillage;so do thou till it and God prosper thee in itfor the lion hath done it no hurt.' Then he bade give the man and his wife a handsome present and sent them away.