There was onceamong the hangers-on of the collegiate mosque,a man who knew not how to read and write and got his bread by gulling the folk. One dayhe bethought him to open a school and teach children;so he got him tablets and written scrolls and hung them up in a [conspicuous] place. Then he enlarged his turban and sat down at the door of the school. The peoplewho passed by and saw his turban and the tablets and scrolls,thought he must be a very learned doctor;so they brought him their children;and he would say to this'Write,' and to that,'Read;' and thus they taught one another.
One dayas he satas of wontat the door of the schoolhe saw a woman coming upwith a letter in her handand said to himself'This woman doubtless seeks methat I may read her the letter she has in her hand. How shall I do with her seeing I cannot read writing?' And he would fain have gone down and fled from her;butbefore he could do thisshe overtook him and said to him'Whither away?' Quoth he'I purpose to pray the noontide-prayer and return.'Noon is yet distant,' said she;'so read me this letter.' He took the letter and turning it upside downfell to looking at itnow shaking his head and anon knitting his eyebrows and showing concern. Now the letter came from the woman's husbandwho was absent;and when she saw the schoolmaster do thusshe said'Doubtless my husband is deadand this learned man is ashamed to tell me so.' So she said to him'O my lordif he be deadtell me.' But he shook his head and held his peace. Then said she'Shall I tear my clothes?'Tear,' answered he. 'Shall I buffet my face?' asked she;and he said'Buffet.' So she took the letter from his hand and returning homefell a-weepingshe and her children.
One of her neighbours heard her weeping and asking what ailed herwas answered'She hath gotten a lettertelling her that her husband is dead.' Quoth the man'This is a lying saying;for I had a letter from him but yesterdayadvising me that he is in good health and case and will be with her after ten days.' So he rose forthright and going in to hersaid'Where is the letter thou hast received?' She brought it to himand he took it and read it;and it ran as followsafter the usual salutations'I am well and in good health and case and will be with thee after ten days. MeanwhileI send thee a quilt and an extinguisher.' So she took the letter and returning with it to the schoolmastersaid to him'What moved thee to deal thus with me?' And she repeated to him what her neighbour had told her of her husband's well-being and of his having sent her a quilt and an extinguisher. 'Thou art in the right,'
answered he. 'But excuse megood woman;for I wasat the timetroubled and absent-minded and seeing the extinguisher wrapped in the quiltthought that he was dead and they had shrouded him.' The womannot smoking the cheatsaid'Thou art excused.' and taking the letterwent away.