2.1 Studies in China
Since the start of the 21st century,Chinese scholars have conducted extensive research on English news discourse in light of the growing importance of domestic English news media for international communication. A search query for “English news discourse” in the CKNI database retrieves a total of 93 scholarly publications. As shown in Figure 1-1,the present state of domestic research on English news discourse exhibits a general upward trend,but with minor changes in certain years,which can be attributed to the influence of news events occurring within those respective years. The main topics,as depicted in Figure 1-2,encompass news discourse,critical discourse analysis,ideology,evaluation theory,materiality,intertextuality,multimodal discourse analysis,and so forth. Among the disciplines covered are foreign language and literature,journalism and media,and Chinese language and literature,with foreign language and literature accounting for 71.56% of the total (as illustrated by Figure 1-3).
Figure 1-1 Publication Trend
Figure 1-2 Main Topics
Figure 1-3 Discipline Distribution
The present study on English news discourse in China can be generally classified into the following categories based on the literature that is currently available:
1)Studies on the microlinguistic aspects of news discourse,such as wording,grammar,style,rhetorical patterns,and other linguistic microstructures. Such studies include transitivity of news texts (Jiang,2022;Li and Wu,2018),lexical nominalization features (Li,2018;Xu,2015),grammatical metaphors (Wu,2020),metonymy (Ou,2019;Zeng,2017),and intertextuality studies (Zhang,2021),etc. The transitivity perspective has received considerable attention. It reveals the numerous social and power relations of discourse at the micro level of language. The transitivity perspective can be used to disclose the hidden ideologies and political positions in news reporting in order to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning and effect of news reporting. For instance,Jiang Yi (2022)conducts critical discourse analysis of news discourse from a transitivity perspective. He offers a detailed analysis of the New York Times' reporting on Trump. Through the analysis of the various processes within the discourse and the relationships between the participants in the news coverage,he reveals that Trump is portrayed as a strong leader in the coverage,thereby revealing the ideological and political positions concealed within the discourse.
2)Studies on the macro structures,social-linguistic representation,and hidden ideological implications of news discourse from the perspective of critical discourse analysis. As a branch of linguistics,critical discourse analysis is also referred to as critical linguistics. It is predominately based on Halliday's systemic functional linguistics theory and employs sociological,psychological,and communication theories to illustrate how ideologies and discourse are products of social structure and power relations and how they serve different power groups. This type of research is predominantly weighted and can be subdivided into multiple perspectives. Some scholars (Cui,2021;Jiang,2021;Dong and Wang,2012)use Fairclough's three-dimensional analysis framework to analyze how discourse is constructed with specific intentions through the use of discursive evidence. Several researchers (Gao,2021;Cai,2015)employ Martin's appraisal theory to conduct a comparative analysis of the distinct attitudes portrayed in news coverage within Chinese and American mainstream media news reports. Some scholars (Su,2007)employ the critical discourse analysis (CDA)framework to investigate the interplay between discourse and social structure. Their objective is to uncover how discourse both reflects and maintains power dynamics and ideologies inside the social fabric. Some scholars (Wei,2014)use the method of metaphorical critical discourse analysis proposed by Charteris-Black to analyze and study the conflict metaphors in English news discourse,demonstrating that in conflict-related English news discourse,conflict metaphors have an obvious persuasive function and reflect the political inclination of the reporters in a given context. In recent years,corpus linguistic methods have been increasingly used in news discourse analysis. For example,Zhang Jingjing (2019)constructed her own corpus with the help of the Lexis-Nexis database,screened 160 related news reports,and conducted a discourse analysis on the collected corpus to compare the linguistic expressions in the news reports of SAD by the newspapers of China and South Korea,revealing the socio-political and other reasons that have caused the differences in news discourses of the two countries.
3)Studies conducted using multimodal critical discourse analysis. Recent years have seen the application of multimodal discourse analysis methods in critical studies of news discourse. This approach involves analyzing various semiotic materials,including linguistic text,visuals,and audios,while also examining how these elements interact with one another. By employing this methodology,researchers gain a comprehensive understanding of the persuasive techniques employed in news creation and delivery to influence audiences effectively. Guo Enhua (2010),for instance,examined online English news coverage of basketball contests through the lens of multimodal discourse analysis. This study examines a variety of semiotic resources,such as text,image,and audio,utilized in online English news broadcasts on basketball contests. Through analysis,it uncovers the interplay between these resources and their complementary role in constructing metafunctions.
4)Studies from rhetorical perspectives. It is worth noting that the introduction of Western rhetoric into China has sparked interest in understanding the intrinsic relationship between rhetoric and communication. Some scholars have applied rhetorical theories to the study of English news discourse from an interdisciplinary perspective. For example,Wu (2005)adopted an interdisciplinary approach by combining classical and modern rhetorical theories to construct a framework for the analysis of English news discourse.
5)Studies on the translation methods and principles of English news discourse,discussing different translation approaches and choices of strategies for different genres (Yang,2019;Wang,2021).
6)Studies from journalistic perspectives. These studies concentrate on the structure,linguistic characteristics,and discourse strategies of news reports in order to disclose the laws of the discourse structure of news dissemination and to demonstrate the inherent relationship between news reports and ideology. For instance,some studies have investigated the journalistic dimensions of English news reports and compared them to those of news reports in foreign media,discussing the effects of their dissemination to the outside world (Si and Zhao,2019). Some investigate power,ideology,and conflict discourses in news reporting (Cui,2019;Wang and Yang,2008). Some of these studies investigate the discourse-narrative structure and stylistic paradigms of English-language news reporting,as well as the strategic statutes of writing news reports and the cognitive schemas of readers (Lai,2006;Zhao,2010).