ⅰ)Background to the Production of this Guide
Throughout its history,FIDIC has exercised its mandate in the production of various documents,contract forms,guides and manuals to assist Consulting Engineers in various countries of the world to perform and deliver services to their clients.These publications have facilitated the business practice of Consulting Engineers to establish standards or norms which are used by an increasingly large number of Consulting Engineers and their clients.
Some of the documents,i.e,:contract forms,are very specific,while others are more of a guideline.Almost inevitably,all of the FIDIC products have had the benefit of a large number of members contributing to the total effort.This guideline is no exception.
ⅱ)Role and Work of the Quality Assurance Task Force
In June 1990,FIDIC appointed QATF,Quality Assurance Task Force,and gave it a charge:
● To monitor activity in the QA(Quality Assurance)area as it affects the profession.
● To prepare a Policy Statement on Quality Assurance for Consulting Engineers.
● To examine the possibilities for FIDIC's future involvement in the QA areas.
● To complete these tasks by 1991 Conference in Japan.
Under the able leadership of Jim Poirot,Past President of ACES-US the QATF completed its work and reported out at the 1991 Conference.
The Task Force members were:J.Poirot-USA-Chairman
Tage Draebye-Denmark
Jean Floirat-France
Paul Gallagher-Australia
Jean Paul Gourdeau-Canada
Hannu Hermunen-Finland
Takeo Kauakami-Japan
The full recommendations of the Task Force were:
a)That there should be a commitment to excellence through enhancing the quality of the output of consulting engineering practices.
b)That there should be a formalized Quality Management System in every consulting engineering firm.
c)That Quality Management Systems must have the commitment of senior management,involve employees,and prevail throughout an individual firm.
d)That Quality Management Systems should include formal monitoring systems within individual firms which ensure that the programs are being continuously carried out.
e)That where feasible,member associations should assist their member firms in developing formalized Quality Management Systems through providing guides and general support.
f)That,where feasible,member associations develop a facility by which their membership may seek the independent inspection of their Quality Management System.Such independent inspection,or peer review,should be accomplished within guidelines developed by the profession in collaboration with major clients,client groups and/or third party accreditation groups.
g)That assessment of Quality Management Systems shall be from the perspective of a consulting engineering practice.When an adequate pool of firms have a Quality Management System in operation,requirements for quality systems would be a relevant prequalification criterion for work.
As a result of their work,and the workshops at the conference,FIDIC appointed a Standing Committee to develop a Quality Management Guideline.Members of the Committee responsible for the production of this Guide were:
A significant contribution to the production of this guide was made by Tom Kern of the American Consulting Engineers Council.His initial work,constructive comments and review are much appreciated.
ⅲ)Status of this Guide
This guide has been developed as a living document,subject to periodic review and update in order to provide Consulting Engineers with a comprehensive document on Quality Management.This document sets out reasons why Consulting Engineers must apply Quality Management in all their work and provides an introduction to initiating this Quality Management process in a firm.
The Guide is issued as a working document to be supplemented and enhanced as experience is gained in its application.The development of a Quality Management program in many smaller firms will often be accompanied by other training programs on business practices designed to enhance the quality of business management.All firms are encouraged to take advantage of the generous published material,videos,etc,and professional seminars offered on the general subject,and to customize the material for their own specific requirements.