Here is a cat with a poor little bird in its mouth. Perhaps you think it is a sparrow, that had flown down on the road to pick up a few crumbs, and was seized by this cruel cat.
You are wrong. This cat is the little bird's friend; and the bird is not a sparrow at all, but a pretty canary.
Come and I shall tell you the story of this picture.
“A lady had a canary, so tame that it would fly about her room, perch on her chair, hop on her finger, and eat crumbs out of her hand.
“The lady had also a cat, which often came into the room where the bird's cage hung. But the bird was in no danger from it. The cat had been taught, when quite a little kitten, to be kind to the bird; and the two were very good friends.
“One day the lady went into the kitchen. Her bird was on her shoulder, and the cat came running after her.
“The canary flew down from the lady's shoulder, to pick up a crumb from the floor.
“What was the lady's surprise, when in a moment the cat seized the bird in its mouth, and jumped upon the kitchen table with it!
“The lady was in terror at firsts for the safety of her bird; but she soon saw the cause of the strange conduct of her cat.
“Another cat was at the kitchen door, and her own cat had seized the bird to save it from danger!
“No sooner was the stranger driven out of the house, than the lady's cat let the canary go; and away it flew to its mistress quite unhurt.”
What kind of bird is that in the cat's mouth? Does it mean to hurt it? Why has it carried it off? What cat is that at the door? When did the cat let the bird go again? When had the cat been taught to be kind to the canary?
per-haps' ca-na'-ry fin'-ger run'-ning soon'-er
spar'-row sto'-ry kit'-ten mo'-ment stran'-ger
cru'-el pic'-ture kitch'-en safe'-ty mis'-tress
pret'-ty la'-dy shoul'-der an-oth'-er un-hurt’
mouth perch chair flew
seized friend strange quite