1.3 Research Methodology and Roadmap
1.3.1 Definitions
1.Hydropower resources
The hydropower resources referred in this book is specified in Article 22 of Water Law of the People's Republic of China,referring to the potential energy stored in the fall head of water in rivers and its exploitation is for electric power generation.As the study covers a comparatively long period,several expressions have been used to describe hydropower resources in different official governmental documents,such as hydropower resources,hydroelectric resources,water power resources,etc.To take the authenticity of historical materials into consideration,when quoting the original documents for this report,the original wordings are adopted as the same concept defined above.
2.Compensated transfer of hydropower resources
Hydropower resources,as an important part of water resources which according to the Water Law of the People's Republic of China is state-owned,is definitely owned by the state.Compensated transfer of hydropower resources in this report means that the investors or developers should pay the state certain amount of money for the development and exploitation of hydropower resources.The expenses are determined by the market or governmental departments based on the value of hydropower resources.The right of developing and using the resources would be transferred from the state to the enterprises(developers)after they pay the expenses.
3.Resources compensation in hy dropower development and exploitation
The resource compensation in hydropower development and exploitation means that in developing hydropower resources the users pay the compensation to the resources owner.The compensation is a way of economically realizing the transfer of partial resources property right.Additionally,the resources compensation in this book also includes the compensation made due to the mixed property right of hydropower resources.Under certain conditions,the exploiter returns the right of scheduling water resources to the government to supply public services like flood control and drought relief.
4.Economic compensation in hydropower development and ex ploitation
The economic compensation in hydropower development and exploitation means in developing hydropower resources the users pay for values of land,forestry and other production utilities to residents and water users in the upper or lower reaches of rivers where water projects are built for electric power generation or other production purposes.It is a kind of economic compensation for the damage that the developer of hydropower resources causes to other users,which could be made either in taking engineering technical measures or in monetary form.
5.Ecological compensation in hydropower development and ex ploitation
The ecological compensation in hydropower development and exploitation is the compensation made for the impacts on the hydrological conditions of some river sections or the living conditions of aquatic life in lower reaches,which are caused by construction work of hydro projects.The compensation mechanism is based on the service value of ecological system and the cost of ecological protection,intended for protecting ecological environment and promoting harmonious relations between human and nature.It is considered to mediate the ecological balance system and rehabilitate the affected ecological system.The main method adopted to conduct ecological compensation is to ensure the minimum ecological discharge or flood pulse for rivers.
Mode is an established way of thinking in the sense of epistemology.It is both abstraction and sublimation of the experience gained through practices of production and living.To put it simple,mode is the rules people find and abstract from the recurring events,a highly inductive summary of problem-solving experience.There is always existing a certain mode for a recurring event.Mode is a referential guidance strategy.With sound guidance,it can not only help with efficient completion of tasks,but also facilitate making a sound scheme very quickly in accordance with established thinking,and obtain twice the result with half the effort.The best solution would be finally got.
1.3.2 Research Methodology
Theoretical and empirical analysis,qualitative and quantitative analysis,and concrete and abstract analysis are adopted for the study which is based on the latest research achievement on allocation of water resources and hydropower resources.Some mathematic,statistic and econometric methods are used,and a theoretical analysis model is established to provide a realistic interpretation for hydropower resources allocation issues.Particularly,in the book:
(1)A gradual process of research,practice,research again,and practice again is applied to promote the analysis and study on some complex issues to enable spiraling level of understanding;example projects in Chapter 2-6 of this book are all the achievements the research group made by applying relevant theories to the practices.
(2)Interdisciplinary method with economic,ecological and hydraulic knowledge is used to integrate all the relevant theoretic research into an intrinsic whole according with not only the law of nature but also the law of economy and society.
(3)A one-stop type of study on theories,systems,policies,and practices is conducted to ensure that the findings are featured by high quality,time spirit,practicality and practical significance.
(4)Normative study and empirical study are combined in this book where many cases are examined to apply relevant theories to practices and regulate the relation sand actions between the government and market;meanwhile practices would bring forward more wise ideas and thoughts and deepen people's understanding of relevant theories.
1.3.3 Research Roadmap

Figure 1-1 Research Roadmap
Interdisciplinary study is adopted covering hydraulics,ecology and economics.Theoretic study and piloting practices mutually work together.In this book,theories of resources pricing,property right,and institutionalization are summarized;literature on hydropower resources technical and systematic development is sorted out;system innovation and practice roadmap for exploiting hydropower resources are summed up;the incentive compatibility mechanism and its efficiency target for optimal hydropower resources allocation with sustainable development goals are explored.Based on the structuring of property right system for water resources and hydropower resources,this book thoroughly analyzes the characteristics of the property right of hydropower resources,the externality of utilizing hydropower resources,and its ecological impacts.A modern institutional model for hydropower resources allocation is established,which is based on the paid use of resources and with the natural,economic and ecological compensations mechanism proposed.A whole set of technical and systematic framework is put forward to further promote the optimal use of hydropower resources so as to provide decision-making support for achieving the target of optimal allocation under the sustainable development goals.The roadmap is illustrated in Figure 1-1 as above.