69. 被孚里埃纠缠
[词语]to be haunted by the furies
[趣释]罗马神话中,孚里埃(the Furies/Furiae)是司复仇和良心谴责的女神,又叫狄赖(Dirae)①。在希腊神话中称为厄里倪厄斯(Erinyes)或欧墨尼得斯(Eumenides)。
英语fury一词与拉丁文“孚里埃”(Furiae)有关。在现代英语中,fury常比喻作“狂暴的泼妇”。同时还产生了“愤怒”“狂怒”“冤魂”“凶险”“猛烈”等词义,构成许多词组:如to be haunted by the furies of(被……冤魂所纠缠); to be filled with fury(怒火满腔); to goad sb.into fury或to lash sb.into a fury(使某人发怒); to fly into a fury(勃然大怒); in a fury(在狂怒中;暴怒地); like fury(猛烈地;剧烈地)等等。
[运用]He killed several innocents in a traffic accident months ago, and then often felt to be haunted by the furies of them. 在几个月前的一次交通事故中,他使几个无辜者丧生。从此,他常感到被这些冤魂所纠缠。
The old castle is said to be haunted by the furies of a young couple since they were killed there without case or reason. 自从一对青年夫妇在古堡无缘无故被害之后,据说那里已经闹起鬼来。
Kelvin was goaded into fury by the young man who was wilfully making trouble in his office. 凯尔文被那个在他办公室里无理取闹的青年惹火了。
Her unwarranted accusations goaded him into fury. 她的无理指责惹得他发火。
It is easy to lash them into a fury. 很容易使他们发火。
The typhoon lashed the sea into fury. 台风掀起大海怒涛。
Her words lashed me into fury. 她的话激起我的怒火。
He flew into a fury when I refused to lend him the money. 当我拒绝借钱给他时,他勃然大怒。