[词语]to play to the gallery
[趣释]【物事喻指】在17世纪,欧洲剧院在后排搭起很高的看台,这一区域叫顶层楼座(gallery),票价比较低,供普通平民百姓观看,这里的观众统称为“顶层楼座的观众”(the gallery)。楼座上的观众大多数收入低,文化水平和欣赏能力都偏低,只能接受大众化的节目。后来,人们就用“给楼座上的观众演出”(to play to the gallery)来喻指迎合大众、迎合低级趣味、哗众取宠。还由这一成语引申出名词gallery play,意为“迎合观众趣味的表演”“哗众取宠”“蛊惑宣传”。
[运用]Motion pictures, though still playing mainly to the gallery, have taken their place as a significant art form. 电影虽然主要还是迎合大众的口味来拍摄的,但已经成为一种重要的艺术形式。
He didn't mean to hurt you by what he said. It is simply that he cannot resist playing to the gallery. 他说这话并不是存心要伤害你,他不过是控制不住自己,要哗众取宠罢了。
I put forward my side of the argument as clearly and exactly as I could, but my opponent played the gallery shamelessly and soon had the support of the crowd. 我尽量清楚、准确地说明我的观点,但对方却厚颜无耻地讨好观众,很快就得到他们的支持。