[词语]three sheets in/to the wind
[趣释]【物事喻指】英文sheet是个多义词。在本条成语中,sheet意为帆船上的“帆脚索”,就是把船帆固定在船上的绳子。如果帆船索松了,帆船就会像醉汉似的摇来晃去。水手们称之为in to the wind(随风飘动)。“一根帆脚索松了”(a sheet in the wind),船就开始摇晃,像喝酒的人那样;“三根帆脚索全都脱落”(three sheets in the wind),船就会摇晃得很厉害,像喝酒的人大醉时那样东倒西歪。这原本只是水手们的语言,后来逐渐成为成语。现在,“一根帆脚索松了”(a sheet in/to the wind)被用来喻指微醉,“三根帆脚索脱落”(three sheets in/to the wind)喻指醉得东倒西歪、酩酊大醉。
[运用]By the time I left the bar. I was three sheets to the wind. 当我走出那个酒吧间时,我的身子已经直晃悠了。
A sailor, three sheets to the wind, was trying to talk to a girl next table. 一个喝得醉醺醺的水手,想要跟邻桌的女郎搭话。
The blacksmith came down in the street, three sheets in the wind. 铁匠喝醉了酒,在街上跌跌撞撞。
After only three beers, Gary was four sheets in the wind. 三杯啤酒下肚,加里便醉得不省人事了。