[词语]to bring sb.(up)to(the)scratch
[趣释]【物事喻指】成语“带某人到起始线”(to bring sb.(up)to(the)scratch与“来到起跑(始)线(come up to the scratch)”①同出一源。在拳击运动(boxing)中,起始线(scratch)早期是一条用粉笔画的白线,裁判把选手带到白线的两边,准备拳击;在田径运动(track-and-field sports)中,有一条起跑线(scratch),裁判员将选手带到起跑线,各就各位,准备赛跑。于是,人们用“将某人带到起跑线”(to bring sb. up to the scratch)喻指使某人做好准备,使某人坚决行动起来,使某人下定决心。后来还衍生出to bring sth.up to (the)scratch,意为使某物达到标准或要求。
[运用]Will your teachers manage to bring you up to scratch before you take the examination?老师会在考前指导你们温课备考吗?
We'll have to bring the house up to scratch before we sell it. 我们要把这房子维修一下再出售。
It will take months to bring the band up to scratch.得有几个月工夫才能使乐队像个样子。
If you don't do something to bring your batting up to scratch, you may not make the team this year. 如果你不努力使你的击球技术符合要求,今年也许不能参加球队了。