[词语]to sell the pass
[趣释]【经典喻指】相传在古爱尔兰(Ireland)的历史上,阿特(Athy)的君主派一个军团去把守一个关口(pass),抵御凯尔特(Celt)军队的入侵。但镇关口的军团很快就被凯尔特人用金钱买通了,凯尔特人入侵时,顺利入关并征服了当地的爱尔兰居民。随后,凯尔特军队占领了爱尔兰全境,凯尔特人的国王顺利地成为爱尔兰国王。后来,人们用“出卖关口”(to sell the pass)喻指背叛,放弃立场,出卖朋友、理想和事业。英国著名作家乔治·萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw)在其剧作《回到玛修撒拉》(Back to Methuselah)第二部里用了此典。
[运用]…the impossibility of keeping such a team together will force you to sell the pass again to the solid conservative opposition. ……由于没法子使这样一个班底团结一致,就会逼着你再出卖给团结一致的保守党的政敌。(萧伯纳语)
They believe that government sold the pass when it abandoned its ally. 他们相信政府放弃盟国就是出卖盟友。
We were astonished when he sold the pass and voted against the Bill of Right. 当他放弃立场投票反对人权法案时,我们大感惊讶。