What this book covers
Chapter 1, Web Services Testing and soapUI, introduces soapUI by giving an overview of its history, features, and installation of soapUI in your computer. We will begin our journey towards learning soapUI by discussing some key characteristics of SOA, Web services and Web services testing in general.
Chapter 2, The Sample Project, introduces the sample web services project which will be used as the target application for functional and performance testing in the remaining chapters of the book. In this chapter, we will build a simple web services based application using Apache Axis2 open source web services framework. The primary objective of building this sample application is to use it in all demonstrations of soapUI features. As we will not discuss any topics related to soapUI or web services testing in general in this chapter, you may skip the details and download the sample web services project from http://www.PacktPub.com/support.
Chapter 3, First Steps with soapUI and Projects, serves as a guide for getting started with soapUI projects. Based on one of the web services that we built as part of the sample web services project in Chapter 2, The Sample Project, we will discuss the schema and WSDL of the web service in detail. We will use soapUI to invoke the operations of sample web service and discuss the SOAP requests, responses, and faults.
Chapter 4 , Working with Your First TestSuite, demonstrates the basic constructs of a soapUI project—TestSuites, TestCases, and TestSteps—which prepares you for the next chapters of the book. We will also look into the validation of responses using assertions and soapUI properties.
Chapter 5, Load and Performance Testing with soapUI, covers the steps that you would have to follow when using soapUI as a load and performance testing tool. We will demonstrate the load test strategies provided by soapUI and the load test specific assertions.
Chapter 6 ,Web Services Simulation with soapUI, briefly describes how web services can be simulated using soapUI. We will demonstrate the usage of soapUI mock services model and static as well as dynamic mock responses.
Chapter 7 , Advanced Functional Testing with soapUI, introduces the testing aspects of web services extensions such as WS-Security and WS-Addressing. We will use an improved version of the sample web services project which we built in Chapter 2, The Sample Project for the demonstrations in this chapter.
Chapter 8, Getting Started with REST Testing, introduces the concepts related to RESTful web services and how soapUI can be utilized in RESTful services testing. We will demonstrate the use of soapUI in RESTful services testing by using a publicly hosted sample web application.
Chapter 9, Testing Databases with soapUI, briefly describes the direct database query invocations of soapUI. In this chapter, we will discuss the database testing features provided by soapUI such as JDBC requests and assertions.
Chapter 10 , JMS Testing with soapUI, demonstrates the use of JMS in soapUI. By exposing one of the sample web services over JMS transport, we will explore the JMS testing capabilities provided by soapUI.
Chapter 11, Extending soapUI with Scripting, introduces the scripting facilities given by soapUI in order to extend the default behavior of soapUI tests. We will look into the use of soapUI API methods through Groovy scripts inside our tests.
Chapter 12, Automated Testing with soapUI, demonstrates various automated testing approaches with soapUI. In this chapter, we will discuss the integration of soapUI tests with build tools such as Apache Maven.
Chapter 13, Miscellaneous Topics, introduces some useful tools integrated with soapUI such as WS-I validation tool and the utilities provided by external web services framework such as Apache Axis2. This chapter also demonstrates the use of soapUI when testing services by sending attachments.