About the Author
Ryan John is a graduate of Westminster Choir College of Rider University, where he spent 3 years as a Technical Assistant for the pilot program of the Instructure Canvas Learning Management System at Rider University. While at Rider and Westminster, he served as a Technical Assistant, Course Designer, and Course Consultant for over a dozen courses offered by Westminster Choir College, the Westminster Office of Continuing Education, and the Westminster Center for Critical Pedagogy. During Rider's university-wide implementation of the Instructure Canvas LMS, he assisted with faculty training sessions and individual tutorials in course organization, design, and management.
In addition to his work in online course design, Ryan serves on the editorial board of Visions of Research in Music Education, the scholarly journal of the New Jersey Music Educators Association. He has worked as a freelance copy editor, both privately and for GIA Publications, and he has been a music editorial intern at Oxford University Press. He is currently the Upper School Choral Director at Léman Manhattan Preparatory School in New York City.
I would like to thank Frank Abrahams, Heeyoung Kim, Shaun Holland, Scott Hoerl, Boris Villic, and many other mentors I encountered at Westminster Choir College and Rider University for the incredible opportunities they afforded me during my time there. Thank you to James Jordan and Alec Harris at GIA as well as Norm Hirschy, Lisbeth Redfield, Suzanne Ryan, Adam Cohen, and Jessen O'Brien at Oxford University Press for allowing me to learn and grow on the job under their stellar guidance. Many thanks to Lisa Nowicki for her constant support and to all those at Sanford School who have helped me throughout the years. I am so grateful for the guidance of everyone at Léman Manhattan and Meritas. A huge thank you to everyone at Packt Publishing, especially, Joanne Fitzpatrick, Swati Kumari, Priya Singh, Venu Manthena, Nachiket Vartak, and Mohammad Rizvi. Finally, thank you my amazing parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, and Joshua for your unending care and support.