A review – running and debugging your application
You'll spend a lot of time editing, compiling, and debugging your code in Qt Creator, so it's wise to remember the following basics:
- The arrow key runs your application without the debugger; to debug your application, choose the arrow key with the bug icon on it.
- You can switch between the Editor view and the Debug view of your application by clicking on the Edit or Debug view choice on the left-hand side; if you debug your application, Qt Creator will enter the Debug view automatically.
- There's more to breakpoints than just stopping at a line of code! Use data breakpoints to pin down weird bugs that occur only sometimes or to quickly skip over the first bazillion items of a large loop.
- The variable pane lets you see more than just the contents of variables; you can also add expressions composed of several variables and arithmetic or view arbitrary memory locations.
- Want to hack around a bug during a debugging session? You can change the values of variables in the variable pane and continue running, changing the program's state as you go.