What this book covers
Chapter 1, Working with Arrays and Collections, explains that collections are similar to arrays but are more general than arrays. This chapter looks at the differences between these two constructs and the available Lo-Dash functions that operate on them.
Chapter 2, Working with Objects, teaches you how Lo-Dash treats objects as collections. This chapter looks at the available functions that work with objects.
Chapter 3, Working with Functions, focuses on the functional tools provided by Lo-Dash.
Chapter 4, Transformations Using Map/Reduce, explains that the map/reduce programming model is used often in the Lo-Dash code. This chapter offers many examples that utilize the Lo-Dash map/reduce tools in their various forms.
Chapter 5, Assembling Chains, explains how Lo-Dash can chain together functions that operate on a value. This chapter explores what chains are and how they work.
Chapter 6, Application Building Blocks, looks at the high-level application components that help organize the Lo-Dash code.
Chapter 7, Using Lo-Dash with Other Libraries, explains that Lo-Dash doesn't do everything. This chapter uses examples to illustrate where other libraries can help Lo-Dash and vice versa.
Chapter 8, Internal Design and Performance, looks at some of the internal design decisions of Lo-Dash and provides some advice on how to improve the performance of your Lo-Dash code.