About the reviewers
Tom Viner is a senior software developer living in London. He has over 10 years of experience in building web applications and has been using Python and Django for 8 years. He has special interests in open source software, web security, and Test-driven development.
Tom has given two conference talks, Testing with two failure seeking missiles: fuzzing and property based testing and Exploring unit-testing, unittest v pytest: FIGHT!
Tom works for Sohonet in central London and sometimes goes backpacking around the world.
Radovan Kavický is the principal data scientist and president at GapData Institute based in Bratislava, Slovakia, harnessing the power of data and wisdom of economics for public good.
He has an academic background in macroeconomics and is a consultant and data scientist by profession.
Radovan is also an instructor at DataCamp and a founder of PyData Bratislava, R <- Slovakia & SK/CZ Tableau User Group (skczTUG).