I dedicate this book to my family—my sister, Camila, my mother, Silvia, and my father, Simão, who have done everything in their power to help me achieve all my dreams. There are no words to express how grateful and lucky I feel for being their child.
To my lovely Maria, who every day gives me strength, encouragement, inspiration, and love. I wouldn't have made it without you. I love you! Also, to my loyal French bulldog friends, Edit and Ella.
To my lovely Maria, who every day gives me strength, encouragement, inspiration, and love. I wouldn't have made it without you. I love you! Also, to my loyal French bulldog friends, Edit and Ella.
– Daniel Furtado
My parents, Dawn and Robert, who over my lifetime have always pushed me to do my best. They instilled in me the ability to accomplish anything I put my mind to.
Fabrizio Romano for convincing me to contribute to this book. He is the greatest mentor an aspiring developer could ask for.
And finally, my partner, Emily, for always being there for me.
– Marcus Pennington