Getting today's weather forecast
The core functionality is in place and the entry point of the application with the argument parser will give the users of our application a much better experience. Now, it is finally the time we all have been waiting for, the time to start implementing the parser. We will start implementing the method to get today's weather forecast.
Since I am in Sweden, I will use the area code SWXX2372:1:SW (Stockholm, Sweden); however, you can use any area code you want. To get the area code of your choice, go to https://weather.com and search for the area you want. After selecting the area, the weather forecast for the current day will be displayed. Note that the URL changes, for example, when searching Stockholm, Sweden, the URL changes to:
For São Paulo, Brazil it will be:
Note that there is only one part of the URL that changes, and this is the area code that we want to pass as an argument to our application.