How to do it...
- Copy the folder created for the previous recipe into a new directory.
- Navigate to that directory with your command-line application and start the Python server.
- Rename rocket.js to saturn-v.js, add the name of the rocket to the log statements, and update the main.js import statement:
// main.js import name, { launch, COUNT_DOWN_DURATION } from './saturn-v.js'; export function main () { console.log('This is a "%s" rocket', name); console.log('It will launch in "%d" seconds.', COUNT_DOWN_DURATION); launch(); }
// saturn-v.js export function launch () { console.log(`Launching %s in ${COUNT_DOWN_DURATION}`, name); launchSequence(); } function launchSequence () { // . . . console.log(%shas LIFTOFF!!!', name); // . . . }
- Copy saturn-v.js to a new file named falcon-heavy.js and change the default export value and the COUNT_DOWN_DURATION:
export default name = "Falcon Heavy"; export const COUNT_DOWN_DURATION = 5;
- Import the falcon module into main.js. Rename the imported members to avoid conflicts and launch the falcon rocket as well:
import rocketName, { launch, COUNT_DOWN_DURATION } from './saturn-v.js'; import falconName, { launch as falconLaunch, COUNT_DOWN_DURATION as falconCount } from './falcon-heavy.js'; export function main () { console.log('This is a "%s" rocket', rocketName); console.log('It will launch in "%d" seconds.', COUNT_DOWN_DURATION); launch(); console.log('This is a "%s" rocket', falconName); console.log('It will launch in "%d" seconds.', falconCount); falconLaunch(); }
- Open index.html in your browser and you should see the following output: