Installing Phoenix 1.3
For best results, you'll want to make sure you have the most recent version of Hex installed on your local machine. Again, the assumption here is that you already have Elixir installed on your computer:
$ mix local.hex
Found existing entry: /Users/brandon.richey/.mix/archives/hex-0.16.1
Are you sure you want to replace it with "https://repo.hex.pm/installs/1.5.0/hex-0.17.1.ez"? [Yn] y
* creating /Users/brandon.richey/.mix/archives/hex-0.17.1
Now we'll move on to installing Phoenix itself. Installing Phoenix is a little bit different from just installing something via a hex package on an existing Elixir project. You'll want to use Phoenix’s project generators to get your project up and running, as there is a lot of additional setups required compared to a small, standard Elixir project. This is why you need to go through a separate process to install Phoenix.
To install the Phoenix framework and get access to the Mix tasks needed to create new Phoenix projects, you'll want to run the following code:
$ mix archive.install https://github.com/phoenixframework/archives/raw/master/phx_new.ez
* creating /Users/brandon.richey/.mix/archives/phx_new