Optimization and speed are two key factors to building a machine learning model. Theano is a Python package that optimizes implementations and gives you the ability to take advantage of the GPU. To install it, use the following command:
pip install theano

To import all Theano modules, type:
>>> from theano import *
Here, we imported a sub-package called tensor:
>>> import theano.tensor as T
Let's suppose that we want to add two numbers:
>>> from theano import function
>>> a = T.dscalar('a')
>>> b = T.dscalar('b')
>>> c = a + b
>>> f = function([a, b], c)
The following are the full steps:

By now, we have acquired the fundamental skills to install and use the most common Python libraries used in machine learning projects. I assume that you have already installed all of the previous packages on your machine. In the subsequent chapters, we are going to use most of these packages to build fully working information security machine learning projects.