Docker on Amazon Web Services

Creating an IAM user

The final IAM setup task you need to perform is to create an IAM user to administer your account. As discussed earlier in this chapter, you should never use your root credentials for day-to-day administrative tasks, and instead create an administrative IAM user.

To create a user, select Users from the right-hand menu in the IAM console and click on the Add user button. In the Add user screen, specify a User name and only select AWS Management Console access for Access type, ensuring that the Console password is set to Autogenerated password and the Require password reset option is set:

Creating a new user

After clicking the Next: Permissions button, add the user to the Administrators and Users groups you created earlier:

Adding users to groups

You can now click on the Next: review and Create user buttons to create the user. The user will be created and, because you chose to create an autogenerated password, you can click the Show link in the Password field to reveal the initial password for the user. Take note of this value, as you will need it to test logging in as the IAM user you just created:

Newly created user temporary password