Docker on Amazon Web Services

Installing the Windows subsystem for Linux

Now that you have installed Docker for Windows, you next need to install the Windows subsystem for Linux, which provides a Linux environment where you can install the Docker client, Docker Compose, and the other tools we will use throughout this book.

If you are using Windows, then throughout this book I am assuming that you are using the Windows subsystem for Linux as your shell environment.

To enable the Windows subsystem for Linux, you need to run PowerShell as an Administrator (right-click the PowerShell program and select Run as Administrator) and then run the following command:

PS > Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

After enabling this feature, you will be prompted to reboot your machine. Once your machine has rebooted, you then need to install a Linux distribution.  You can find links to the various distributions in the article  see step 1 in Install Your Linux Distribution of Choice

For example, the link for Ubuntu is and if you click on Get the app, you will be directed to the Microsoft Store app on your local machine and you can download the application for free:

Ubuntu distribution for Windows

Once the download is complete, click on the Launch button, which will run the Ubuntu installer and install Ubuntu on the Windows subsystem for Linux.  You will be prompted to enter a username and password, and assuming you are using the Ubuntu distribution, you can run the lsb_release -a command to show the specific version of Ubuntu that was installed:

Installing the Ubuntu distribution for Windows
The information that has been provided is for recent versions of Windows 10.  For older versions of Windows 10, you may need to follow the instructions at

Note that the Windows file system is mounted into the Linux subsystem for Windows under /mnt/c (where c corresponds to the Windows C: drive), so in order to use a text editor installed on Windows to modify files that you can access in the Linux subsystem, you may want to change your home directory to your Windows home folders under /mnt/c/Users/<user name> as follows:

> exec sudo usermod -d /mnt/c/Users/jmenga jmenga
[sudo] password for jmenga:

Note that the Linux subsystem will exit immediately after entering the preceding command.  If you open the Linux subsystem again (click on the Start button and type Ubuntu), your home directory should now be your Windows home directory:

> pwd
> echo $HOME