Docker on Amazon Web Services

About the author

Justin Menga is a full-stack technologist with over 20 years experience of working with organizations to build large-scale applications and platforms, with a focus on end-to-end application architecture, the cloud, continuous delivery, and infrastructure automation. Justin started his career as an infrastructure and network engineer/architect, working with many large enterprise and service provider customers. In the past few years, Justin has switched his focus to building applications and full-service platforms, working with a wide array of technologies, yet still maintaining and applying his prior infrastructure and network expertise to containers and public clouds. He has programmed in Objective C, C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, Scala, Python, Java, and Go, and has a keen interest in continuous delivery, Docker, and automation tools that speed the path from development to production.

I wo uld like to thank my family: Tania, Chloe, Jayden, Fluffy,  Minky , Simba (RIP), and  Chandy  (RIP) - who all have persevered through the countless hours and  sleepless  nights of burning the midnight oil to accumulate the knowledge and experience required to complete such a book.