PyCharm is an IDE developed by the company Jetbrains, and is based on IntelliJ IDEA, the IDE of the same company, but focused on Java and is the base for Android Studio.
PyCharm is multi-platform and we can find binaries for Windows, Linux, and macOS X. There are two versions of PyCharm: community and professional, with differences in features related to integration with web frameworks and database support.
In this url we can see a comparison between community and professional edition: http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm
The main advantages of this development environment are:
- Autocomplete, syntax highlighter, analysis tool and refactoring.
- Integration with web frameworks such as Django, Flask, Pyramid, Web2Py, jQuery, and AngularJS.
- Advanced debugger.
- Compatible with SQLAlchemy (ORM), Google App Engine, Cython.
- Connection with version-control systems: Git, CVS, Mercurial.