In this chapter, we learned about the three main features of Cosmos DB that establish pillars for supporting additional features: partitioning, replication, and resource governance. We covered the four NoSQL data models supported by Cosmos DB and saw how they relate to the five available APIs.
Then, we learned about the different elements of the Cosmos DB resource model, allowing us to have a clear understanding of how to work with this database service. We understood the system topology that provides support to Cosmos DB at a global scale and we analyzed the resource hierarchy for each container. We now know the name for each element that we will have to use to develop applications that work with Cosmos DB and to manage this innovative database service.
Now that we understand the basics of Cosmos DB, we will provision a Cosmos DB account with the SQL API and we will start working with a document database, its collections and documents, which are the topics we are going to discuss in the next chapter.