Installing the necessary packages
Python won't come bundled with everything you need unless you take a specific pre-made distribution. Therefore, to install the packages you need, you can use either pip or easy_install. Both of these two tools run in the command line and make the process of installation, upgrading, and removing Python packages a breeze. To check which tools have been installed on your local machine, run the following command:
$> pip
Alternatively, you can also run the following command:
$> easy_install
If both of these commands end up with an error, you need to install any one of them. We recommend that you use pip because it is thought of as an improvement over easy_install. Moreover, easy_install is going to be dropped in the future and pip has important advantages over it. It is preferable to install everything using pip because of the following:
- It is the preferred package manager for Python 3. Starting with Python 2.7.9 and Python 3.4, it is included by default with the Python binary installers
- It provides an uninstall functionality
- It rolls back and leaves your system clear if, for whatever reason, the package's installation fails
The most recent versions of Python should already have pip installed by default. Therefore, you may have it already installed on your system. If not, the safest way is to download the get-pi.py script from https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py and then run it by using the following:
$> python get-pip.py
The script will also install the setup tool from pypi.org/project/setuptools, which also contains easy_install.
You're now ready to install the packages you need in order to run the examples provided in this book. To install the < package-name > generic package, you just need to run the following command:
$> pip install < package-name >
Alternatively, you can run the following command:
$> easy_install < package-name >
Note that, in some systems, pip might be named as pip3 and easy_install as easy_install-3 to stress the fact that both operate on packages for Python 3. If you're unsure, check the version of Python that pip is operating on with:
$> pip -V
For easy_install, the command is slightly different:
$> easy_install --version
After this, the <pk> package and all its dependencies will be downloaded and installed. If you're not certain whether a library has been installed or not, just try to import a module inside it. If the Python interpreter raises an ImportError error, it can be concluded that the package has not been installed.
This is what happens when the NumPy library has been installed:
>>> import numpy
This is what happens if it's not installed:
>>> import numpy
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named numpy
In the latter case, you'll need to first install it through pip or easy_install.
Finally, to search and browse the Python packages available for Python, look at pypi.org.