About the authors
Tamir Dresher is the chief architect of Clarizen, a leading SaaS company in work collaboration and project management. Prior to that, he was a senior architect and leader of the cloud division at CodeValue, Israel. Tamir has helped organizations and start-ups create scalable distributed systems with .NET and is a prominent member of Israel's Microsoft developers' community. He was awarded Microsoft MVP for his contributions as a conference speaker, organizing developer-community events, and authoring Rx . NET in Action. As part of his role as Professor of Software Engineering at the Ruppin Academic Center, Tamir loves teaching and mentoring students and speaking at international conferences. His Twitter handle is @tamir_dresher.
Amir Zuker, a founder of CodeValue and its web division leader, is a senior software architect specializing in .NET and web-related technologies. Amir has headed up large development teams, conducted lectures and workshops, and has tackled various technological obstacles head-on in both frontend and backend products, including cloud, on-premise, and IoT solutions. A qualified instructor and consultant, he has helped dozens of companies build their systems from the ground up, including areas of recruitment, business analysis, architecture, design, implementation, testing, and DevOps.
You can reach out to him via Twitter, @AmirZuker.
Shay Friedman is the CTO and VP, R&D, of Jifiti. With 20 years' experience in the software development world, Shay spearheads and manages the many technologies that Jifiti utilizes on a daily basis. Prior to that, Shay co-founded Pickspace, a VC-backed start-up in the field of real-estate tech. As CTO, he led the company's development efforts and helped it become a world leader in co-working space-related technologies. Prior to Pickspace, Shay co-founded CodeValue, one of the leading tech consulting companies in Israel, where he managed the web division, consulted dozens of companies, conducted training courses, and more. Shay is a renowned international speaker, loves playing basketball, and is endeavoring to improve his guitar playing.