Checking GPResult data from a remote machine
In keeping with our centralized administration mindset, let's cover an example of looking up this information remotely. Today, I am logged in to my DC1 server, but I am going to utilize GPResult with a few switches in order to query the Group Policy data that is sitting on my LAPTOP1 workstation. I also want it to display GPO information for my primary user account on that system, which is called Jordan. Here is a command that will tell GPResult to reach out to LAPTOP1 and pull not only its computer information, but also the information related to the user Jordan:
GPResult /s LAPTOP1 /user JORDAN /r > JordanLaptop1.txt
As you can see, I appended yet one more way to send the resultant data out to a file, this time a text document. This is no different than reading the data inside Command Prompt, but it is now saved so that I can store it and reference it later.
If you open up that text document, you will see the output of the GPResult command. It shows me information about both computer policies as well as user policies applied to the Jordan account. Scrolling down to the user information, we can see confirmation that my Set Desktop Wallpaper to Blue 1 GPO is still being applied to this user account: