I love keyboards. By saying that I love keyboards, what I'm also implying is that I don't really like using a mouse. So, anytime that I can accomplish something without the mouse, I'm all for it. GPMC.MSC is a tool that can be used in a myriad of ways. It's not really a tool per se, but rather an MMC shortcut. When you launch GPMC.MSC, it opens the MMC and automatically snaps in Group Policy Management. In other words, by issuing a GPMC.MSC command, you are shortcutting your way into the GPMC.
GPMC.MSC can be launched from just about anywhere that you can type it. Certainly, the most common place I type it is inside either a Command Prompt or PowerShell prompt, since I almost always have one or the other open all the time:
It is possible to call GPMC.MSC from the Start menu, but in a different way than stated in our previous section about the Start menu. You see, the trick to using the Start menu in an efficient manner is not to use the Start menu at all. Instead, the way to make the Start menu an efficient tool that saves you time at the end of the day is to use only its Search function. You don't even have to use the mouse! Simply press the Windows key on your keyboard, and type the name of the application that you want to launch. In the following screenshot, you can see that I pressed my Windows, then typed gpmc.msc. After that, simply pressing the Enter key opens the console right up: