What this book covers
Chapter 1, Serverless Microservice Architectures and Patterns, provides an overview of monolithic and microservice architectures. You will learn about design patterns and principles and how they relate to serverless microservices.
Chapter 2, Creating Your First Serverless Data API, discusses security and its importance. We will discuss IAM roles and get an overview of the policies and some of the security concepts and principles involved in securing your serverless microservices, specifically regarding Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB.
Chapter 3, Deploying Your Serverless Stack, shows you how to deploy all that infrastructure using only code and configuration. You will learn about different deployment options.
Chapter 4, Testing Your Serverless Microservice, covers the concept of testing. We will explore many types of testing, from unit tests with mocks, integration testing with Lambda and API Gateway, debugging a Lambda locally, and making a local endpoint available, to load testing.
Chapter 5, Securing Your Microservice, covers important topics on how to make your microservices secure.