Personal info
Personal info is another option that you can use to view your contact information. To view or edit your personal information, follow the steps:
- Click on the Personal info link in the left navigation bar:

Once you click on it, you will be taken to a page where you can enter or edit some of your personal information and change your picture:

The details that you can enter or edit here aren't as abundant as what you can add via the My profile link under your persona button in the suite bar. If you need to add or edit details, such as projects you have worked on, you will need to go to the My profile page instead. Some of your details may be un-editable, depending on if and how your organization is managing those details for you.
- To edit any of the details in any of these sections, simply click on the Edit pencil in the upper right-hand corner of that section:

- Click the Save button once you're finished:

Once you click on this button, your personal information will be updated.
The Save button will not activate until you actually make at least one change. If you don't change anything, the button will remain grayed out.