My profile
My profile is a section of Office 365 that contains your basic information. Depending on the kind of organization that you are in, you can also see other members of your team and click through to their own profiles.
Clicking on the My profile link will take you to Delve.
From Delve, you will be able to see the details of your profile that you have already filled in and can choose to add more details or edit those details by clicking on the Update profile button:

You can also choose to click on the Add about me, Add projects you are working on, Add skills and expertise, or Add schools and education links to add details about those areas directly:

When you click on the Update profile button, you will be taken to a page where you can enter details for your contact info, projects, skills, education, interests, and/or give a summary about yourself:

Keeping this page updated will help people in your organization contact you efficiently as this is the information available to them through all Office 365 apps.