A word about browsers
Microsoft says that Office 365 works on all popular, up-to-date browsers, which is true, but not all work well. Here is the ranking from best to worse:
- Internet Explorer 11 (IE11): This Microsoft browser is still the best for all features and functionalities of Office 365 and SharePoint. I realize that this browser is decrepit and mostly useless for anything else but this.
I have noted IE11 since no other version of IE will work well, and any other version is no longer supported.
The first three browsers offer most of the features and functionality of Office 365 and SharePoint:
- Edge: Microsoft's newest browser, which was meant to eventually replace IE. The word on the street is that Edge should replace IE soon but, at the time of writing this book, there is no anticipated date.
- Firefox: This browser can actually work better than Internet Explorer in one regard: it can be easier to move things around in SharePoint when designing at times because it was designed for web development.
- Safari: This is the browser for Mac. On Mac, the user can get Firefox but not IE.
- Chrome: This browser, by Google, is a hugely popular one, but in the case of Office 365 and SharePoint, you should make this browser your last choice. Google does not readily share browser code changes with Microsoft, and those changes can happen at the drop of a hat and usually without warning. You could literally leave your desk for a few minutes or even go from one page to another and suddenly the screens may look different, have things missing, and/or look broken. The sudden code changes cause problems with SharePoint and Office 365.
Things could be different and, if you are not intimately aware of the environment, you may not even realize that you are missing possible valuable pieces of information. Due to this possible sudden issue, I highly advise you to use Chrome for everything else for Office 365 and SharePoint. If you do use Chrome for SharePoint and Office 365, note that you will be doing so at your own possible peril.
I would even go as far as to highly recommend that you set your default browser to any of the other browsers because some of my clients have had trouble launching Skype for Business meetings when clicking on the Join Skype Meeting link (and this may also be the case for Teams meetings). When the link is clicked, the user is first taken to the browser while the full Skype for Business or Teams application is searched for. If the application is not found, the user is offered the ability to use the web app version. The browser that's used when the meeting link is clicked is the default browser.