Blender's user interface
You can download the latest version of Blender at http://blender.org/download. At the time of writing, the latest version is Blender 2.83. Blender is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is a very similar experience on all three operating systems.
Most of Blender's hotkeys are the same between operating systems. However, if you are following along with this book using a Mac, you need to use the command ( cmd) key instead of the control ( ctrl) key any time the instructions say to use the control key.
Before we learn about the current version of the user interface, it's useful to know a little bit about Blender's history. There is over a decade's worth of tutorials and resources available online. The software may look a bit different in those old resources, but if you can get past the old interface, the information is just as helpful as it always was, so let's take a look.