In this chapter, we have seen how AI can be used to enhance or substitute human abilities such as to listen, speak, understand language, store and retrieve information, think, see, and move.
Then, we moved on to learning about intelligent agents and the way they interact with the environment, solving a problem in a seemingly intelligent way to pursue a goal.
Then, we introduced Python and learned about its role in AI. We looked at a few important Python libraries for developing AI and prepared data for the intelligent agents. We then created a tic-tac-toe game based on predefined rules. We quantified these rules into a number, a process that we call heuristics. We learned how to use heuristics in the A* search algorithm to find an optimal solution to a problem.
Finally, we got to know about the Minmax and NegaMax algorithms so that the AI could win two-player games. In the next chapter, you will be introduced to regression.