Historical Data
The historical data layer contains data stores that hold all data from a certain point in the past (for example, the start of the company) up until now. In most cases, this data is considered to be important to run a business, and in some cases, even vital for its existence. For example, the historical data layer of a newspaper agency contains sources, reference material, interviews, media footage, and so on, all of which were used to publish news articles. Data is stored in blobs, file shares, and relational tables, often with primary and foreign keys (enforced by the infrastructure or in software). The data can be modeled to a standard such as a data vault to preserve historical information. This data layer is responsible for keeping the truth, which means it is highly regulated and governed. Any data that is inserted into one of the tables in this layer has gone through several checks, and metadata is stored next to the actual data to keep track of the history and manage security.
In general, the same requirements that apply to the raw data store also apply to the historical data layer. Whereas the raw data layer dealt with files, the historical data layer has tables to protect. But that is often not enough granularity since a lot of data can be combined in tables. For example, a company that provides consultancy services to multiple customers could have a table with address information that contains records from these companies. But for the sake of privacy and secrecy, not all account managers in the consultancy organization may have access to each client; they should only see the information of the clients that they are working for directly. For these kinds of cases, it must be possible to apply row-level or column-level security.
Row-Level Security
When setting up tables in a multi-tenant way, containing data from multiple owners, it's necessary to administer the owner per record. Modern databases and data warehouse systems such as Azure Synapse can then assign role-based access security controls to the tables per row; for example, "people that have role A have read-only access to all records where the data owner is O."
Column-Level Security
In a similar way, security can be arranged per column in modern columnar NoSQL databases. It might be beneficial to add columns to a table for a specific client or data owner. In those cases, access to the columns can be arranged with similar role-based access; for example, "people that have role B have read and write access to all data in columns Y and Z."
The amount of data in the historical data layer will keep on growing since fresh data will arrive every day and not all data will be part of a retention plan. Business users will also regard the historical data as highly valuable since the information there can be used to train models and generally compare situations of the organization. Therefore, it's crucial to pick technology that can scale. Modern data warehouses in the cloud all cater to scalability and elasticity, for example, Amazon Redshift and Snowflake. The scalability of data stores on-premise is more limited, constrained by your own data center. However, for many organizations, the requirements to scale might be perfectly met by an on-premise infrastructure. For example, local government organizations often deal with complex data from many sources, but the total size of a data lake usually does not surpass the 1 TB mark. In these kinds of cases, setting up a solid infrastructure that can hold this data is perhaps a better choice than to put all the data in the public cloud.
A system or datastore is considered to be reliable and highly available if there is a guarantee that a system keeps on running and no data is lost in the lifespan of the system, even during outages or failures. Usually, this problem is solved by distributing data across an infrastructure cluster (separated in servers/nodes or geographical regions) as soon as it enters the system. In the case of a crash or other malfunction, the data is backed up in multiple locations that seamlessly take over from the main database.
The historical data layer is the heart of the modern data lake and as such, it is primarily concerned with storing data for an (in principle) indefinite duration. Therefore, reliability and robustness are key to selecting the technology components for this layer. Technology components are selected based on the maximum downtime of a system. So, first, let's look into calculating the availability percentage and from there, decide on the technology.
The availability of a system is usually expressed in a percentage, which denotes time (in hours) that the system is up and running as a function of its lifespan. For example, a system with an availability of 90% is expected to be online 168 * 0.9 = 151 hours of a full week of 168 hours, which means that there are 168 - 151 = 17 hours in which the system can be taken offline for maintenance. Unfortunately, an availability of 90% is very poor nowadays.
The following table gives an overview of availability as a percentage, and the amount of downtime related to the percentage:

Figure 2.11: Availability percentages explained in downtime
It's possible to calculate the availability of a system using the following formula:

Figure 2.12: Availability formula
For example, if a data store was down for maintenance for 3 hours with available hours being 5040, the availability of that system was as follows:

Figure 2.13: Availability calculation
Let's understand this better with an exercise.
Exercise 2.03: Analyzing the Availability of a Data Store
For this exercise, imagine that you work as an operations engineer for TV broadcasting company PacktNet. The core system of the company must be available so that clients can binge-watch their favorite series at all times. The system, therefore, has received an availability rating of 99.99%.
The aim of this exercise is to become familiar with the availability formula and to practice it in a real-world scenario.
Now, answer the following questions for this use case:
- Is it allowed to bring the system down for 5 minutes per month for maintenance?
An availability of 99.99% means that the system can be down for 1 minute per week or about 4 minutes per month. So, a downtime of 5 minutes per month is not allowed.
- In the previous year, there were only a few minor incidents and almost no scheduled maintenance. The system was offline for 1 hour in total. What was the availability during that year?
There are 365 x 24 = 8760 hours in a year. The availability in the previous year was
(rounded to two decimals).
By completing this exercise, you have successfully calculated the availability of a data store. This is an important requirement for any system.
Availability Consequences
Once the availability requirements of a system have been determined, a matching infrastructure should be chosen. There are many different data stores (file shares and databases) that all have their own availability percentage. The following table contains the percentages for a selection of popular cloud-based data stores. Note that some services offer a stepped approach, where more uptime costs more. Also, note that the availability can be drastically increased if the data is parallelized across different data centers and different regions:

Figure 2.14: Availability of a few popular data stores in the cloud
Some cloud services offer high availability but don't express this in a percentage. For example, the documentation of Amazon SageMaker states that it is designed for high availability and runs on Amazon's scalable and robust infrastructure (with availability zones, data replication, and so on), but does not give a guaranteed maximum downtime percentage.
When working with data on-premise, the calculation differs a bit. The correct way to calculate the entire availability of a system is to multiply the availability of the infrastructure (servers) by the availability of the software.
Some considerations when writing down the availability requirements for data storage are as follows:
- There is planned downtime versus unplanned downtime; planned downtime is for scheduled upgrades and other maintenance on the system that must be done on a regular basis. Planned downtime counts as non-available, but obviously, it can be controlled, managed, and communicated better (for example, an email to all users of the system) than unplanned downtime, which is when there are unexpected crashes of the system.
- Once availability becomes very high, it's often described in the "number of nines." This indicates the number of nines in the percentage; 99.99% is four nines availability.
- A system that is 100% available might still be unusable, for example, if the performance of the interface is very slow. So, keep in mind that the availability percentage does not express the entire scope of the reliability and availability of the system; it's just a helpful measurement.
- Next to measuring availability, it can be even more important to measure data loss. If a system is down for 1 hour, but all the data that was entered into the system during that period is lost, there could be major implications. Therefore, it's good practice to focus on the distribution (and thereby redundancy) of data; as soon as data is stored, it should be replicated across multiple nodes. Furthermore, there should be backups in place for emergency scenarios where all the nodes fail.
- High availability always comes at a cost. There is a trade-off between the "number of nines" and the cost of development, infrastructure, and maintenance. This is ultimately a business decision; how mission-critical is the data and the system, and at what price?
Time Travel
One of the key requirements of the historical data layer is the ability to "time travel." That means it should be possible to retrieve the status of a record or table from any moment in the past, providing the data was there. Tables that have this ability are called temporal tables. This can be achieved by applying a data model that allows time travel, for example, a data vault. Essentially, these data models are append-only; no updates or deletes are allowed. With every new record that enters the system, a "valid from" and optionally "valid to" timestamp is set. Let's understand this better with an example.
The following table contains an example of a table with company addresses. The data format is according to the "facts and dimensions" model, where a relatively static dimension (for example, company, person, or object) is surrounded by changing facts (for example, address, purchase, call). The company with ID 51 recently changed address from Dallas to Seattle, so a new record was added (record ID: 4). The old address of the same company is still preserved in the table (record ID: 3). So, now, we have two address rows for the same company, which is fine since only one can be valid at any given moment:

Figure 2.15: Example of a table that preserves historical data and allows time travel
Suppose the government needs to have a report with a list of offices that have shut down in Dallas and their new locations. In such cases, time travel is a very important requirement. A query that retrieves all these addresses (current and historical) of the company is as follows:
SELECT * FROM Addresses WHERE CompanyId = 51;
A query that retrieves the current address of a company is as follows:
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Addresses WHERE CompanyId = 51 ORDER BY ValidFrom DESC;
The same requirement can also be fulfilled by using a ValidTo column; if that is empty (NULL), the record is the most actual one. The downside of this approach is that it requires updates to a table, not just inserts, so the ETL code can become more complex. Using both ValidFrom and ValidTo is also possible and provides better querying options but adds some complexity and requires the insert and update statements to be in sync.
If time travel is a key feature for your use case, for example, a healthcare system that needs to keep track of all the medicine that was provided to patients, you might consider a database where these kinds of timestamps are a native element for all data entry; for example, Snowflake.
Another way to achieve the possibility to time-travel your data is with a mechanism called event sourcing. This is a relatively new method of storing data, where each change that's made to the data is stored separately rather than as a result of the change. For example, an UPDATE statement in a traditional database results in the overwriting of a record. With event sourcing, an UPDATE statement would not alter the record itself but rather add a new record to the table, along with information about the change. In this way, there is automatically a trail of events that leads from the original record to the latest one. This trail can be quite long and is therefore mostly used in the historical data layer, not in the analytics layer of an AI application. To get the latest record, all events must be replayed and calculated over the original event. This can include events that cancel each other out; for example, the combination of an INSERT and DELETE statement.
The data of PacktBank has great value if it can be queried from a historical perspective. Since many source systems only store the "present" situation, it's important that the new data lake preserves the data's history. To that extent, the bank chooses to create a historical data warehouse that AI systems can benefit from. On a daily basis, the current state of the source systems is appended to the database tables, which are arranged in a data vault model. Data scientists and analysts can now request access to perform time-series analysis, for example, of the earnings and spending of a customer to forecast their ability to afford a loan.
Locality of Data
When data is stored in an international organization, it's important to think about the physical location of data storage. We are used to systems that respond instantaneously and smoothly; a lag of 1 second when visiting a web page is already considered to be annoying. When data is stored in one continent, it can take some time (up to a few seconds) to reach another continent, due to the time it takes on the network. This kind of delay (latency) is not acceptable to clients who are working with the data, for example, the visitors of websites. Therefore, data must be stored close to the end users to minimize the amount of network distance. Furthermore, there might be laws and regulations that constrain the possible physical locations of data storage. For example, a government organization might require that all data is stored in its own country.
Most cloud-based data storage services offer the option to store data in specific regions or locations. Amazon and Microsoft provide geographical regions across the globe for their cloud offerings (AWS and Azure), in which customers can choose to put their data. If needed, there is a guarantee that the data will not leave the chosen region. For the sake of availability and robustness, it's best to distribute data across regions.
Metadata and Lineage
Metadata management in the historical data layer is important but quite difficult to realize. For every table and record (row), there should be a metadata entry that lists the origin, timestamp, owner, transformations, and so on. Usually, this metadata is stored in a separate table or database, or in a dedicated metadata management system. Since data is usually entered into the database via an ETL process, there is a big responsibility for the ETL tools to keep updating the metadata. Once in place, the metadata repository will be a valuable asset in the data lake, since it allows questions such as the following to be answered:
- What are the sources of the aggregated calculation in my report?
- At what date and time were the records from source system X last updated?
- How often on average is the data in the employee table refreshed?
In this section, we have looked at the most important requirements for the historical data layer of an AI system. We have looked at security, scalability, availability, time travel, and the locality of data. In the next section, we'll look at the typical requirements that should be considered when working with data streams.