Katherine, for putting up with my stupid face.
My reviewers and editors, for finding all of my mistakes.
Photos, my favorite part of the book:
- Steve Jurvetson (https://flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/2229899)
- Rosalia Wilhelm (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Widderkaninchen.JPG)
Open source software, without which none of this would be possible:
- Jeremy Ashkenas, CoffeeScript (http://coffeescript.org/)
- Ryan Dahl, Node (http://nodejs.org/)
- Isaac Z. Schlueter, npm (https://github.com/isaacs/npm)
- Dustin Diaz, reqwest (https://github.com/ded/reqwest)
- Tilde, Inc., RSVP.js (https://github.com/tildeio/rsvp.js)
- David Heinemeier Hansson, Rails (http://rubyonrails.org/)
- Brunch team, Brunch (http://brunch.io/)
- TJ Holowaychuk, Express (http://expressjs.com/)
- Andrew Dunkman, connect-assets (https://github.com/adunkman/connect-assets)