CASS FORUM(2010·Economics)International Symposium on Macroeconomy and Price Reform The 11th Forum on China’s Macroeconomic Performance and Policies AGENDA
Date:December 3,2010
Venue:Lecture Hall of CASS
8:30-9:00 Opening Ceremony
Chairperson:Professor GAO Peiyong(Director of IFTE,CASS)
Keynote Speech:Professor LI Yang(Vice-President of CASS,Academician)
Opening Speech:Professor YANG Yang(Director of BIC,CASS)
9:00-10:30 Session 1 China’s Macroeconomic Performance and Policies
Chairperson:Professor CHUAI Zhenyu(Deputy Director of IFTE,CASS)
Keynote Speeches(15 minutes for each speaker)
1.Professor YANG Shengming(Academician of CASS)
Furthering New Price Reform and Alleviating Dual Pressure on Renminbi Exchange Rate
2.Professor WANG Tongsan(Director,Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics,CASS,Academician of CASS)
To Focus Our Attention on Inflation
3.Professor Guido Ferrari(University of Florence,Itlay)
China after the Crisis:What Can We Learn from the Impressive GDP Acceleration of the Last Decades to Sustain and Enhance a Harmonious Economic and Social Development?
4.Professor WEN Guifang(Senior Research Fellow,IFTE,CASS)
To Combat Inflation:Cost-driven Factors to Be Concerned
Comments & Discussion(8 minutes for each discussant)
1.Professor ZHU Baoliang(Deputy Director General,Economic Forecasting Department,State Information Center)
2.Professor WANG Yu(Senior Research Fellow,Research Bureau of the People’s Bank of China)
10:45-12:00 Session 2 China & the World Economy After the Financial Crisis
Chairperson:Professor WANG Lei(Deputy Director of BIC,CASS)
Keynote Speeches(15 minutes for each speaker)
1.Professor PEI Changhong
(Director,Institute of Economics,CASS)
China’s Perspective:World Economic and Financial Situation and Policy
2.Professor Svetlana P.Glinkina
(Deputy Director,Institute of Economics,Russian Academy of Sciences)
Russia’s View of China’s Macroeconomic Policy after the Financial Crisis
3.Professor YANG Yiyong
(Director,Institute of Social Development,Academy of Macroeconomic Research of National Development and Reform Commission)
Promoting Social Equity by Enhancing Regulation of Redistribution
Comments & Discussion(8 minutes for each discussant)
1.Professor FENG Lei(Chief,Division of International Trade and Investment Research,IFTE,CASS
2.Professor XIA Jiechang(Chief,Division of Service Economics Research,IFTE,CASS)
3.Professor YANG Zhiyong(Chief,Division of Public Finance Research,IFTE,CASS)
13:30-15:00 Session 3 Resources & Energy Price Reform:Issues and Solutions
Chairperson:Professor SHI Dan(Deputy Director of IFTE,CASS)
Keynote Speeches(15 minutes for each speaker)
1.Professor Alison Lynn Reaser
(Chief Economist,Point Loma Nazarene University)
China’s Role in the New Economic Reality
2.Professor WU Shi’an
(Jianxi University of Finance and Economics,Member of Standing Committee of People’s Congress,Jiangxi Province)
Deepening Price Reform of Energy & Resources:From Separation to Cooperation Between Market and Government
3.Professor SUN Yaowei
(Deputy Director,Department of Policy,Law and Regulation,State Electricity Regulatory Commission,PRC)
Price Reform of Energy:An Imperative Task
Comments & Discussion(8 minutes for each discussant)
1.Dr.MA Jun
(Associate Professor,Vice-Chief,Division of Taxation Research,IFTE,CASS)
2.Dr.WANG Dehua
(Associate Professor,Division of Public Finance Research,IFTE,CASS)
15:15-17:00 Session 4 International Bulk Commodities:Price Fluctuation and Pricing Power
Chairperson:Professor JING Linbo(Deputy Director of IFTE,CASS)
Keynote Speeches(15 minutes for each speaker)
1.Professor CHANG Qing
(China Agricultural University)
A Study on the International Impact of the Pricing Power of China’s Futures Markets
2.Professor ZHU Guohua
(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
Price Fluctuation and Pricing Power of International Bulk Commodities
3.Dr.Kim,Hyung-Geun(Research Professor,Jungseok Research Institute of International Logistics and Trade,Inha University,Republic of Korea)
A Study about the Effects of China’s Economic Performance on the Baltic Dry Index
4.Professor ZHANG Qunqun(Chief,Division of Cost and Price Research,IFTE,CASS)
The Financial Attributes of Bulk Commodity Markets and Their Policy Implications
Comments & Discussion(8 minutes for each discussant)
1.Professor WANG Chengqing
(Chief,Division of Tourism and Leisure Research,IFTE,CASS)
2.Professor YU Lixin(Chief,Division of Service Trade and WTO Research,IFTE,CASS)
3.Dr.SHENG Ti(Division of Cost and Price Research,IFTE,CASS)
17:00-17:20 Closing Ceremony
Closing Speech:Professor GAO Peiyong(Director of IFTE,CASS)