本书是为参加新汉语水平考试(HSK)三级的外国汉语学习者编写的工具书。全书共包括两个主要部分:三级词汇和“Do You Know”。“Do You Know”部分下文称为拓展词条。全书所有条目都配有注音、英文释义、举例,例句也有相应注音。
参加过新汉语水平考试的考生或者接触过新汉语水平考试真题的学习者都知道,只学习新汉语水平考试大纲中的词汇是远远不够的。举例来说:“一”和“些”是三级词汇,这两个词可以组合成“一些”,“一些”却非大纲词汇;“说话”一词可以拆成“说”和“话”,而这两个词大纲均未出;“头发”中的“头”大纲也未出。还有更复杂的,三级词汇出了“天气”和“春”, “天气”的“天”与“春”可以组合成“春天”; “房间”的“房”和“儿子”的“子”可以组合成“房子”。诸如此类还有很多,而这些重新组合产生的词语在新HSK三级真题中都曾反复出现。
为解决这一问题,帮助考生整理词汇复习的重点,本书设计了拓展词条(Do You Know)部分。拓展词条的选取应该是客观的、科学的,不能以个人的喜好和揣测为依据。根据这一原则,我们将《新汉语水平考试真题集HSK(三级)》和《汉语国际教育用音节汉字词汇等级划分(国家标准·应用解读本)》作为收录拓展词条的基本依据。原因有二:
1. 《新汉语水平考试真题集HSK(三级)》是筛选拓展词条最有效、最实际的途径。它直接反映了考生的复习范围。考生应该重视真题中出现的超纲词,加强对这些词语的学习是提高考试分数的有效途径。
2. 《汉语国际教育用音节汉字词汇等级划分(国家标准·应用解读本)》研制的主要依据是包括三十多亿字次的当代大型动态语料库和多种具有代表性、针对性的词典、词表、字表,同时征询了海内外一百位专家学者的意见。我们相信,依据此国家标准筛选三级拓展词汇,其科学性和实用性是有保证的。通过反复比对和实验,最终确定《汉语国际教育用音节汉字词汇等级划分(国家标准·应用解读本)》普通级一级和普通级二级作为本书的拓展词条。
This reference book is compiled for non-native Chinese language learners who will participate in the new HSK Level 3 Test. It consists of two sections:HSK Level 3 Vocabulary and Do You Know(also called extended entries sometimes hereafter). All the entries are provided with pinyin, English expla-nation as well as sample sentences noted by pinyin.
Two distinctive features for this book:
Ⅰ. This book collects 1035 entries altogether, including 600 main en-tries from the syllabus, 7 commonly-used synonyms, 5 homographs and 423 extended entries, which frequently appear on the HSK test.
Anyone who has taken the new HSK test or read through the authentic new HSK test papers will find that it will be far from enough if he only learns the words listed in the Chinese Proficiency Test Syllabus. For example,一and些in HSK level 3 vocabulary can be combined into a new word一些,but一些is beyond the scope;说话can be divided into two words说and话,but neither of them is listed in the HSK level 3 vocabulary; the word头in头发is in the same situation. There are some more complicated examples.天气and春in HSK level 3 vocabulary can be somehow combined into a new word春天;similarly,房子is based on 房间 and 儿子.These new words from combination frequently appeared on the new HSK level 3 test papers.
So how many new words outside the syllabus one should be learned to pass the exam with ease? A lot of examinees may be puzzled.
To solve this problem, the“Do You Know”section of this book has been de-signed, which aims to help the examinees collect and review the key points. The entries in this section are not selected by individual preference or guessing, but in an objective and scientific attitude on the basis of Official Examination Papers of HSK Level 3 and The Graded Chinese Syllables, Characters and Words for the Appli-cation of Teaching Chinese to the Speakers of Other Languages(National Standard:Application and Interpretation). Reasons for referring to these two books are:
1. Consulting Official Examination Papers of New HSK Level 3 is one of the most effective and practical means to select the entries since it can directly reflect what should be reviewed for an examinee. In particular, the examinees should focus on learning the new words beyond the syllabus appearing on the test papers, since it could improve their scores efficiently.
However, solely preparing what has previously been tested is not the best approach to learning, because they will not understand new word combina-tions. Therefore, we choose The Graded Chinese Syllables, Characters and Words for the Application of Teaching Chinese to the Speakers of Other Langua-ges(National Standard: Application and Interpretation)as another guideline when we select the entries so that some of them might appear in future tests.
2. The Graded Chinese Syllables, Characters and Words for the Application of Teaching Chinese to the Speakers of Other Languages(National Standard:Applica-tion and Interpretation)is compiled based on the large-scale contemporary lexis containing over 3 billion character items, typical dictionaries, word and character lists as well as the suggestions from one hundred experts living in China and a-broad. Therefore, this national standard can ensure the selection of the extended entries for HSK level 3 is systematic and practical. Through repeated comparison and demonstration, the elementary vocabulary from level 1 and level 2 in this book has been decided as the basis for selecting the extended entries.
The Mass Identification System for Chinese Discourse that we developed is designed to pick up the words, which are solely made up of the characters of the new HSK level 3 vocabulary, from the two aforementioned books. Since the character-based teaching approach is advocated, so only the words com-posed of these characters are collected, arranged and explained.
In the essay The Guiding Principle for Developing New HSK Test, Zhang Jinjun and Xie Nini mentioned that the principle of economics and efficiency is followed for collecting entries for the Syllabus of New HSK Vocabulary, in which words are mainly regarded as collection unit with characters included. In terms of character-based teaching approaches, the key point is training the students to form the words from the characters they've already known. By analyzing the authentic test papers, it can be clearly seen that the new words composed of characters familiar to the examinees outside the syllabus frequently appear on the test; therefore, the words of this type should be the learning focus.
To our delight, over 200 of the 423 extended entries appear in both The Graded Chinese Syllables, Characters and Words for the Application of Teach-ing Chinese to the Speakers of Other Languages(National Standard: Applica-tion and Interpretation)and Official Examination Papers of HSK Level 3. This shows that our method of entries collection for this book is systematic and ob-jective. It can offer an appropriate vocabulary review direction for the exami-nees, helping them pass the new HSK test with ease and joy.
Although there still are some words which are not the combinations of the characters listed in the Syllabus of New HSK Vocabulary, they are in small a-mount, and seldom reappear in the test, so the examinees should focus on the main content instead of side issues.
Ⅱ. Words outside the main entries and extended entries are hardly used in the sample sentences, so that the learners can easily understand it and master it.
One of the difficulties in compiling vocabulary books lies in the designing of sample sentences. Sample sentences must come from daily life or daily writ-ing and be used to show the usage and meaning of a certain entry. Vocabulary books are often featured by correlation. On one hand, sample words and sen-tences should be created based on the entries themselves; On the other hand, theoretically each word in the sample sentences should be traced among the entries so that students can understand. Consequently, the compiler is re-quired to not only write the sample sentences representing the grammar points and practical functions of each entry, but also ensure the complete collection of the words appearing in the whole book. Thanks to the upgrade of The Mass Identification System for Chinese Discourse, we have succeeded in compiling the sample sentences and selecting the entries.
Thanks to this modern technology, we have revised the sample sentences over and over again to ensure that each word of the sample sentences in Sec-tion 1 is confined to the 600 entries in Syllabus of New HSK Vocabulary, and even the words of the sample sentences in Section 2 can be found among the 1035 entries in the book.
In addition to the two features listed above, this book provides pinyin for sample sentences as well as English explanations so that examinees will find it easy to read and comprehend.
It took us one year to complete this reference book. Whenever we faced with obstacles, we often remind ourselves that we should always maintain our mission of serving readers, and never easily alter or simplify our compiling principles.
We hope this book can be a good guide for you to preparing for the new HSK test, and help you a lot to pass it successfully.
Ren Lei