1 The dolichos on that high and sloping mound;—
How wide apart are [now] its joints!
O ye uncles,
Why have ye delayed these many days?

The rhymes are—in st. 1, 風*, 心, cat. 7, t. 1; 雨, 怒, cat. 5, t. 2; 菲, 體, 死, cat. 15, t. 2: in 2, 遲, 違, 畿, ib., t.1; 薺, 弟, ib., t. 2: in 3, 沚, 以, cat. 1, t. 2; 笱, 後, cat. 4, t.2; in 4, 舟, 游, 求, 救, cat. 3, t. 1: in 5, 慉, 讐, 售, cat. 3,t. 2; 鞠, 覆, 育, 毒, ib., t. 3: in 6, 冬, 窮, cat. 9; 潰, 肄, 塈,cat. 15, t. 3.
Ode 11. Narrative. THE OFFICERS OF SOME STATE WHO WERE REFUGEES AND IN DISTRESS IN WEI, EXHORT THEIR RULER TO RETURN HOME WITH THEM. The 'Little Preface' says that the prince addressed was the marquis of Le(黎侯), a State adjoining Wei, who had taken refuge from the Teih, in the time of duke Seuen. His officers feel themselves in very reduced circumstances, and advise their ruler to return with them.
In 1.1, 式, is an initial particle. 微=衰, 'to be decayed'. The repetition shows the extent of the decay. Comp. 悠哉悠哉, in i. I. 2. The particles had come refugees to Wei, and there perhaps they were slighted, and little cared for. The 微 in l. 3,=無, 'but for'. It is difft. from 微=非, in I. 1. In l.4, 中露=露中, like 泥中 in the 2d st. Maou says Chung-loo and Ne-chung were two towns of Wei that had been assigned to the refugees. Even the imperial editors allow that it is better to take the characters as I have done.
The rhymes are—in st. 1, 微, 歸, cat. 15, t. 1; 故, 露, cat. 5, t. 1: in 2, 微, 歸; 躬, 中, cat. 9.

2 Why do they rest without stirring?
It must be they expect allies.
Why do they prolong the time?
There must be a reason for their conduct.
3 Our fox-furs are frayed and worn.
Came our carriages not eastwards?
O ye uncles,
You do not sympathize with us.
4 Fragments, and a remnant,
Children of dispersion [are we]!
O ye uncles,
Notwithstanding your full robes, your ears are stopped.

Ode 12. Allusive and narrative. COMPLAINT OF THE MINISTERS OF LE AGAINST THOSE OF WEI FOR NOT ASSISTING THEM. The piece, acc.to the 'Little Preface' is directed against the marquis of Wei, though only his officers are spoken of. In this interpretation of it both the old school and the new agree. We shall find, however, that Maou and Choo differ considerably in their explanations of many of the lines.
St. 1. In the Urh-ya 旄丘 is defined as 'a mound,the front of which is high'; and the current definition now is—'a mound high in front, and low behind'. It is said that the very mound thus described is to be recognized in K'ae-chow (開州), dep. Ta-ming, Chih-le. The speakers in the ode refer to the length of the joints of the koh, to show how long they had been waiting in vain in Wei. We need not, like Maou, seek in the intertwining of the creepers the chose alliance which should subsist between the different States. 誕=闊, 'wide apart'. 節 is 'the joints' of the creeping plant.By 叔伯 'uncles', we are to understand the ministers of Wei, thus honourably designated by those of Le. The complaint against them is in reality intended for their ruler. 何多日也=何其久而不見救乎, 'How is it that we are left unhelped so long?'
St. 2. The officers of Wei are spoken of, if not directly addressed; and the speakers seem to be trying to account for their dilatoriness, in itself so strange and unworthy. 處=安處, 'to dwell quietly', i.e., to make no movement in favour of Le. 與=與國, 'cooperation States', i.e., allies who would act with them. 以,='a reason', something by which their conduct was regulated. Maou says that 與 denotes 'benevolence and righteousness' and 以, 'serviceable kindness (功德)';—which is surely wide of the mark. Attempting to show the application of these interpretations, K'ang-shing takes the stanza as addressed to the marquis of Le:—'Why do you stay here? You must be [vainly] thinking that Wei has benevolence and righteousness'; &c.
St. 3. The speakers advance here to a charge against the officers of Wei of a want of sympathy with their distress. They had long been waiting;—so long that their fox-furs, were worn out. 蒙戎 denotes 'the appearance of disorder', i.e., says Choo, 'of being worn out'. Le was on the west of Wei, and they had come east in their carriage, imploring help. 靡所與同= 'have nothing (no feeling) in common with us'.