Reading and Writing 读写拓展
Reading 阅读
Harsewinkel is a town in Gütersloh District in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It lies on the river Ems, some 15 km north-west of Gütersloh. It is the home and domicile of Europe's leading combine harvester manufacturer CLAAS, which is a major employer in the town.
CLAAS (CLAAS Agricultural Machinery (Shandong) Co. Ltd.), the German company of over 100 years of history, is mainly engaged in the production of the combines, forage harvesters, tractors and other agricultural equipment.
manufacturer [ ˈmænjuˈfæktʃrə] n.制造商,厂商
engaged in 从事,忙于
combine [kəmˈbain] n.联合收割机
forage harvester 牧草收割机
tractor [ˈtræktə] n.拖拉机
agricultural equipment 农业设备
Activity 10:Read the following passage and finish the questions below.读短文回答问题。
Kasparov: Chess Computers Beatable... For Now
Humans will continue to beat computers for years, but the machines are likely to dominate in matches played over several games, according to the world's top chess player.
“We will not see a machine replacing a human being in our lifetime. Man will be able to beat a computer in at least one game for a very long time, ”Kasparov told a press conference in Moscow a week after settling for a draw in a six-game match with the computer Deep Junior in New York. But while human intuition can provide an advantage in individual games, “Man will never be able to play 8 or 10 games in a row to an equal level, ”Kasparov said. He gradually declines for a variety or external factors: the weather, a headache, family strains or whatever.
In his Man vs. Machine contest in the United States, Kasparov won the first game, but lost the third after committing a mid-game blunder. He then adopted a safety-first strategy, and in the sixth game passed up a chance to win by accepting a draw in a position some analysts said was favorable.
Kasparov-watchers believe he was determined above all not to lose to Deep Junior because he was still smarting from a defeat to another computer, Deep Blue, in 1997. That loss clearly rankled Kasparov, and he said at the time that the computer had been receiving assistance from its human operators.
The Russian, who has reigned undisputed as the world's top player since 1985, said he was“satisfied overall” with his result against Deep Junior, although, “ if I'd been in better shape and had more time to prepare the result might have been different.” He stressed the importance of psychology in chess between one human player and another, and described the “psychological discomfort” involved in adapting to a confrontation with a machine. “In chess with humans, you're always attempting to impose your decisions on the personality of your rival. A game is always an exchange of errors, of imprecision. It's psychology. There's never complete exactitude or purity in a game of chess, ” he said. “But playing against a machine, beyond a certain point, to win or even to save the game you have to play with absolute exactitude, which is not human quality. Knowing this specificity of your rival creates a psychological discomfort which is very difficult to overcome.”
Kasparov was at pains to stress that his 1997 defeat was an aberration: “The main thing was to show that what happened then has nothing to do with the fight between man and machine. Any impartial specialist can see that Deep Junior is much stronger that Deep Blue. The real battle begins now.”
1. According to Kasparov,_____
A. humans can beat computers in individual games.
B. computers will never take the place of human beings in games.
C. human beings can never beat computers in individual or series games.
D. human intuition plays an important role in games.
2. In the contest with Deep Junior in the United States, Kasparov_____
A. lost the game.
B. won the game.
C. settled for a draw.
D. left the game unfinished.
3. Which of the following statements is true about Kasparov's contest with Deep Blue in 1997?
A. He made up his mind to win Deep Blue.
B. He was smart enough to have beaten Deep Blue.
C. Deep Blue received human assistance.
D. Kasparov was unwilling to admit his defeat by Deep Blue.
4. According to Kasparov, a human vs. machine chess game may involve all the following qualities EXCEPT that_____
A. it involves psychological discomfort in the mind of the human player.
B. it demands the human player of absolute exactitude.
C. it creates an exchange of errors between man and machine.
D. it is difficult to overcome psychological discomfort.
5. Kasparov's remarks on his 1997 defeat imply that_____
A. man was no match to computer in intelligence.
B. Deep Blue was unbeatable.
C. Deep Blue also made blunders.
D. if he had made no blunders, he should have beaten Deep Blue.
Writing 写作
Conference Registration Form 会议签到表

Minutes 会议记录
Minutes are the official written record of the meetings of an organization or group. They typically describe the events of the meeting and may include a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the participants, and related responses or decisions for the issues. The organization may have its own rules regarding the content of the minutes. The minutes of certain groups, such as a corporate board of directors, must be kept on file and are important legal documents.
Minutes may be created during the meeting by a typist, who then prepares the minutes and issues them to the participants afterwards. Alternatively, the meeting can be audio recorded or video recorded, a group's appointed secretary may take notes, with minutes prepared later.
Generally, minutes begin with the name of the body holding the meeting and may also include the place, date, list of people present, and the time that the chair called the meeting to order.
Since the primary function of minutes is to record the decisions made, all official decisions must be included. If a formal motion is proposed, seconded, passed, or not, then this is recorded. The voting tally may also be included.
Minutes are sometimes submitted by the secretary at a subsequent meeting for review. Usually, one of the first items in an agenda for a meeting is the reading and approval of the minutes from the previous meeting.
If the members of the group agree that the written minutes reflect what happened at the previous meeting, then they are approved, and the fact of their approval is recorded in the minutes of the current meeting. If there are significant errors or omissions, then the minutes may be redrafted and submitted again at a later date. Minor changes may be made immediately using the normal amendment procedures, and the amended minutes may be approved “as amended”.
The commonly used format and useful expressions of meeting minutes are as follows:
[Company/Department Name] Meeting Minutes
I. Call to order
The CEO called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at Conference Room 1805.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.
II. Roll call
The company secretary conducted a roll call.
III. Approval of minutes from the last meeting
The Chair approved the minutes from the October 10, 2014 Board meeting.
The minutes of the last meeting was approved by the Board of Directors.
IV. Open issues
The project of ... is yet to be further discussed in the meeting.
Please get ready for further discussion of the ... Program.
V. New business
... provided the Board with the information regarding support to the new project.
Board members move to discuss the prospect of the new ... Project.
VI. Adjournment
Mr. ... thanked everyone present and ended the meeting.
The Board meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Activity 11: Please fill in the blanks of the meeting minutes with the words or phrases in the table.请将下表中的词或短语填入会议记录的适当位置。
A. Approval B. Adjournment C. Open issues D. in the Conference Room E. The Foster Lash Company, Inc F. Absent G. New business
Capital Improvement Committee Meeting Minutes October 8, 2014
I. Call to order
The weekly meeting of the Capital Improvement Committee of the Foster Lash Company was called to order at 11 a.m. 2 by Mr. Stuart.
II. Roll call
The company secretary conducted a roll call.
Present: Mike Negron, Sheila Glun, Ellen Frankin
3 : Fred Hoffman, Gina Marino
III. 4 of minutes from the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting of October 1 were read by Mr. Negron and approved.
IV. 5
The main discussion of the meeting concerned major equipment that should be purchased by the end of the year. Among the proposals were these:
Mr. Woo presented information regarding three varieties of office copying machines. On the basis of her cost-benefit analysis and relative performance statistics, it was decided, by majority vote, to recommend the purchase of a CBM X-12 copier.
Mr. Browne presented a request from the secretarial staff for new typewriters. Several secretaries have complained of major and frequent breakdowns of their old machines. Mr. Franklin and Mr.Browne are to further investigate the need for new typewriters and prepare a cost comparison of new equipment versus repairs.
V. 6
The committee will discuss the advisability of upgrading account executives' personal computers. The report will be presented by Sheila Glun at the next meeting, to be held on October 15,2014 , at 11 a.m. in the Conference Room.
VI. 7
Mr. Stuart thanked everyone present and ended the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Franklin