3.风格自然、纯朴 Natural and Simple Exterior Design
The main decorating materials in Nordic interior design are wood, textiles, glass and ironwork etc. The original texture will be maintained while practically utilizing these materials, such as the randomly piled-up logs beside the fireplace, fur shape fluffy carpet. These ornaments with natural style fill the room with human kindness. The ceiling, walls and floor are rarely decorated with patterns. Instead, they generally divided by color blocks and lines.

Nordic people are very close to nature as their distinctive natural environment. Scandinavian region enjoys dense forest, lakes and high mountains. As their high social welfare, most of them don't need to struggle for living. They spend most of their time to do outdoor exercise or traveling as they have short times for work. Their love for nature can be found in indoor, and furniture also manifest such natural and rough style. It has a direct connection to Nordic people's living environment and traditions. The ancient Nordic people were living in harsh natures. Their daily activities are hunting, wandering and fighting. They boldly marched for other kingdoms under enterprising leaders, and gained wealth and status from overseas. Nordic people are calm in appearance, but warm inside. They never show hesitation and they always keep true personality. Their ways of expression are direct and simple.Such personality and characteristics will also show in their interior design.