5 个人劣势

My weakness is I get bored by routine. 我的缺点是容易对日常的循规蹈矩感到厌烦。
Sometimes, I’m too detail-oriented. 有时候,我太注重细节。
If the schedule is tight, I’d overlook details. 如果日程安排得紧,我会忽略细节。
What would you consider your greatest weakness? 你认为自己最大的缺点是什么?
What are your personal weaknesses? 你个人的弱点是什么?
What shortcomings do you have? 你的弱项是什么?
So how do you plan to remedy this? 那你打算怎么弥补呢?

A: What are your areas of weakness? 你的弱势是什么?
B: I’m such a perfectionist that I won’t stop until a job is well done. 我是一个完美主义者。工作做得不漂亮,我是不会停手的。
A: What would you say is your most significant disadvantage? 你觉得你最大的劣势是什么?
B: I’m not very flexible because I like to follow a direction thoroughly. 我不是十分灵活变通,因为我喜欢将一个指示贯彻到底。

I lack work experience, but I’m sure I can make up for it in the future. 我缺乏工作经验,但我确信自己将来会弥补这点的。
I don’t know how to say “no” to other people. 我不懂拒绝。
Something that I’m not too good at is English writing. 我不擅长英文写作。
I take criticism very personally. 我容易把批评当作针对自己而不快。
A quick temper is my weak point. 急性子是我的缺点。
I get nervous easily in crowds. 我在人前容易紧张。
I’m quite stubborn at times. 我偶尔很固执。

A: What are your weak points? 你有什么弱点?
B: One weak point I have is that I lack an understanding of finance. 我的弱点之一是对金融缺乏了解。
A: What are your areas of weakness? 你的弱势是什么?
B: One weak point I have is not asking for help. 我的弱点之一是不向别人寻求帮助。