early biological effect 早期生物效应
early effect 早期效应
early treatment 早期治疗
earmuff 耳罩
ear-muff(s) 耳罩
earplug 耳塞
ear-protection helmet 防声头盔
ecological balance(ecological equilibrium,ecosystemic equipoise) 生态平衡
ecological disturbance 生态失调
ecological environment 生态环境
ecological genetics 生态遗传学
ecological hierarchy 生态等级
ecological model of occupational stress 职业紧张生态学模式
ecological toxicology 生态毒理学
economic burden of disease 疾病经济负担
ecotoxicology 生态毒理学
eczema 湿疹
eddy diffusion 涡流扩散
edge effect 边缘效应
effect 效应
effect assessment of occupational hazard control in construction project 建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价
effect biomarker 效应生物标志物
effect marker 效应标志,效应标志物
effect-assessment for occupational hazard control 职业病危害控制效果评价
effective concentration 有效浓度
effective crossover 有效截面
effective dose,ED 有效剂量
effective dose equivalent 有效剂量当量
effective half-life time 有效半减期
effective plate number 有效塔板数
effective protective factor(EPF) 有效防护系数
effective stack height 烟囱有效高度
effective temperature 实感温度,有效温度
effective toxicity 有效毒性
effectiveness assessment of occupational hazard control 职业病危害控制效果评价
effectiveness evaluation 效果评价
efficiency index 效果指数
effluent seepage 污水渗漏
effort syndrome 操劳综合征
effort-reward imbalance questionnaire(ERI) 投入-回报失衡问卷
egg-shell calcification 蛋壳样钙化
elastin 弹性蛋白
electric cataract 电击性白内障
electric field 电场
electric field intensity 电场强度
electric furnace 电炉
electric insulation gloves 绝缘手套
electric ophthalmia(welder’s flash,eye flash,photophthalmia) 电光性眼炎
electric shork 电休克
electrical brain mapping,EBM 脑地形图
electrical trauma 电伤
electrically insulating footwear 电绝缘鞋
electric-field strength 电场强度
electric-flux density 电通量密度
electroanalysis 电化分析
electrocardiogram,ECG 心电图
electrochemical analysis 电化学分析
electrochemical detector,ECD 化学检测器
electrochemical biosensor 电化学生物传感器
electrocution 触电死
electrode 电极
electrode potential 电极电位,电极电势
electrode with a mobile carrier 流体载动电极
electrodermal activity 皮肤电活动
electrodialysis 电透析,电渗析
electroencephalogram,EEG 脑电图
electroflash dermatitis 电光性皮炎
electrogravimetric analysis 电解重量分析法
electrokinetic injection 电动进样
electrolyte 电解质
electrolytic analysis method 电解法
electrolytic cell 电解池
electrolytic process 电解法
electrolyzed silver 电解银
electromagnetic compatibility 电磁相容性
electromagnetic field 电磁场
electromagnetic interference 电磁干扰
electro-magnetic noise 电磁噪声
electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射
electromagnetic spectrum 电磁波谱
electromagnetic wave 电磁波
electromyogram 肌电图
electromyography,EMG 肌电图描记术
electron accelerator 电子加速器
electron capture detector,ECD 电子捕获检测器
electron donating group 供电子取代基
electron impact source,EI 电子轰击离子源
electron pair effect 电子偶效应
electron paramagnetic resonance 电子顺磁共振法
electron radiation 电子辐射
electron with-drawing group 吸电子取代基
electroneuromyography 神经-肌电图
electroneutralization 电中和作用
electronic moisture balance 电子水分天平
electrooculogram 眼动电图
electroosmosis 电渗
electrophilia agent 亲电子剂
electrophoresis 电泳
electrophoretic mobility shift assay 凝胶迁移实验
electrophysiology 电生理学
electroplating(plating) 电镀
electrostatic deposition 静电沉积
electrostatic dust sampler 静电粉尘采样器
electrostatic field 静电场
electrostatic filter 静电过滤器
electro-static hindrance 静电屏阻
electrostatic precipitator 静电除尘器
electrothermic boots 电热靴
electrogravimetry 电重量法
eletrochargeable liquid 静电喷雾液剂
eletromotive force 电池电动势
elimination rate 清除率
elimination rate constant,Ke 消除速率常数
elongation mutation 延长突变
elution 洗脱,洗提
elution efficiency 洗脱效率
embryo death 胚胎死亡
embryo transfer 胚胎移植
embryolethality 胚胎致死作用
embryotoxicant 胚胎毒物
embryotoxicity 胚胎毒性
embryotropic effect 胚胎效应
emergency care 急救医疗
emergency department 急诊室
emergency expose 应急照射
emergency health examination 应急健康检查
emergency lighting 应急照明
emergency preparedness 应急准备
emergency rescue 应急救援
emergency response 应急响应
emergency response plan 应急预案
emergency survey 应急调查
emergency temporary standard 应急临时标准
emergency ventilation 事故通风
emergency ventilation system 事故通风系统
emission rate 单位时间排放量
emotional exhaustion 情绪耗竭
emotional resources 情绪资源
emotional stressor 情绪紧张源
emphysema(pulmonary emphysema) 肺气肿
employee assistance program 员工援助计划
employee health survey 员工健康调查
employment condition 就业条件
employment discrimination 就业歧视
employment relation 雇佣关系
empowerment 赋权
empowerment for health 健康赋权增能
emulsion agent 乳化剂
emzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay,ELISA 酶联免疫吸附试验法
enamel fluorosis 氟斑釉症
enclosed hood 密闭罩
enclosure 密闭
enclosures hood 环绕型排风罩
end absorbtion 末端吸收
end capping 封尾,封顶,遮盖
end of a work-shift 工作班末
endemic disease 地方病
endemic epidemiology 地方性流行病学
end-exhaled air 末端呼出气(肺泡气)
endocrine active compounds 内分泌活性化合物
endocrine disrupting chemicals 内分泌干扰物
endomitosis 核内有丝分裂
endoreduplication 核内复制
endothelin 内皮素
endothelium derived relaxing factor 血管内皮舒张因子
endotoxin 内毒素
endpoint event 终点事件
energy spectrometry 能谱分析法
energy absorption 能量吸收
energy coefficient 能量系数
energy consume 能量消耗
energy equivalent frequency weighted acceleration 等能量频率计权加速度有效值
energy losing toxicant 失能性毒剂
energy metabolic rate 能量代谢率
energy metabolic rate in workday 工作日能量代谢率
energy metabolism 能量代谢
energy requirement 能量需要量
energy transfer 能量传递,能量转移
enforcement intervention 强制干预
engineering analysis 工程分析
engineering approach 工程方法
engineering control 工程控制
engineering intervention 工程干预
enriched oxygen 富氧
enrichment 富集,浓缩
enteral nutrition 肠内营养
enteric virus 肠道病毒
enterotoxin 肠道毒素
entrance dose 入射(点)剂量
enumeration data 计数资料
environment 环境
environment quality evaluation(environmental quality assessment,evaluation of environmental quality) 环境质量评价
environmental impact assessment 环境影响评价
environmental assessment(environmental evaluation) 环境评价
environmental background 环境本底
environmental biology 环境生物学
environmental burden of pollution 环境污染负荷
environmental capacity 环境容量
environmental carcinogen 环境致癌物
environmental criteria 环境标准
environmental ecology 环境生态学
environmental endocrine disruptor 环境内分泌干扰物
environmental epidemiology 环境流行病学
environmental estrogen 环境雌激素
Environmental Genome Project,EGP 环境基因组计划
environmental genomics 环境基因组学
environmental geography 环境地理学
environmental health criteria 环境卫生基准
environmental health engineering 环境卫生工程
environmental health impact assessment 环境健康影响评价
environmental health inspection 环境卫生监督
environmental health monitoring 环境卫生监测
environmental health standard 环境卫生标准
environmental hygiene 环境卫生学
environmental impact assessment 环境影响评价
environmental impact statement 环境影响报告
environmental infection 环境感染
environmental justice 环境公正
environmental media 环境介质
environmental medicine 环境医学
environmental microbiology 环境微生物学
environmental monitoring 环境监测
Environmental Mutagen Society 环境致突变物协会
environmental mutagenesis 环境致突变作用
environmental parameter 环境参数
environmental protection 环境保护
Environmental Protection Agency,EPA 美国环境保护局
environmental proteomics 环境蛋白组学
environmental quality 环境质量
environmental quality assessment(environment quality evaluation,evaluation of environmental quality) 环境质量评价
environmental quality index 环境质量指数
environmental quality standard 环境质量标准
environmental racism 环境种族歧视
environmental radiation 环境辐射
environmental radioactivity 环境放射性
environmental teratogen 环境致畸原
environmental teratogenesis 环境致畸作用
environmental toxicant 环境毒物
environmental toxicology 环境毒理学
enzyme 酶
enzyme electrode 酶电极
enzyme induction 酶诱导
enzyme inductor 酶诱导物
enzyme inhibitor 酶抑制物
enzyme preparation 酶制剂
enzyme products 酶制剂
enzyme-linked immunofluorenceant assay 酶联免疫荧光测定法
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA 酶联免疫吸附试验(法)
epichlorohydrin 环氧氯丙烷
epidemic 流行
epidemic curve 流行曲线
epidemiology 流行病学
epidemiology survey 流行病学调查
epidermal growth factor 表皮生长因子
epidermal growth factor receptor 表皮生长因子受体
epidermolysis bullosa 大疱性表皮坏死松解症
epigenetic carcinogenesis 外遗传致癌作用
epithelial cancer 上皮肿瘤
epithelial carcinoma 表皮样癌
epoxidation 环氧化作用
epoxide 环氧化物
epoxide hydrase 环氧水化酶
epoxy resin 环氧树脂
epoxybromobenzene 环氧溴苯
epoxyethane 环氧己烷
equal loudness contour 等响曲线
equal loudness curve 等响曲线
equal noisiness contour 等噪度曲线
equity in health 健康公平性
equivalence 等效
equivalent chill temperature 等效寒温
equivalent continuous sound level 等效连续声级
equivalent continuous A-weighed sound level 等效连续A声级
equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level 等效连续A计权声压级
equivalent dose 当量剂量
equivalent point 等当点
equivalent temperature 等价温度,当量温度
erethism 易兴奋症
ergogenic substances 生力物质
ergometer 测力计
ergonomics 工效学,人类工效学,人机工效学,人机工程学
erionite 毛沸石
error 误差
erythema multiforme 多形红斑
erythrocyte cholinesterase 红细胞胆碱酯酶
erythropoietin 红细胞生成素
escape lighting 疏散照明
escape reaction test 回避反应试验
escape-type respiratory protective equipment 逃生型呼吸防护用品
estimate of relative risk 估计相对危险性
estimated exposure dose 估算暴露剂量
estradiol 雌二醇
estrogen 雌激素
estrous cycle 动情周期,性周期
ethane 乙烷
ethanol(ethyl alcohol) 乙醇,酒精
ethics 伦理学
ethinyl estradiol 炔雌醇
ethyl chloroacetate 氯乙酸乙酯
ethyl acrylate 丙烯酸乙酯
ethyl mercaptan 乙硫醇
ethylamine 乙胺
ethylene 乙烯
ethyleneoxide 环氧乙烷
ethylenediamine 乙二胺
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid(EDTA) 乙二胺四乙酸
etiological diagnosis 病原学诊断
etiology 病因学
euchromatin 常染色质
eukaryotic cell 真核细胞
euphoria 欣快
euploid(euploidy) 整倍体
euploidy aberration 整倍性畸变
EuroQL five-dimension questionnaire,EQ-5D 欧洲生存质量测定量表
eustress 良好的紧张
evaluation for general toxicity 一般毒性评价
evaluation of behavioral function 行为功能评价
evaluation of environmental quality(environment quality evaluation,environmental quality assessment) 环境质量评价
evaluation of occupational hazard control effect in constraction items 建设项目职业病危害效果评价
evaluation of occupational safety and health 职业安全卫生评价
evaluation research 评价研究
evaporation 蒸发[作用]
evaporative light scattering detector,ELSD 蒸发光散射检测器
even eletron,EE 含偶数个电子的离子
eveningness 夜晚型
evenness(uniformity) 均匀度
event related potential 事件相关电位
event tree analysis 事件树分析
evidence-based health promotion 循证健康促进
evidence-based knowledge 循证知识
evidence-based medicine 循证医学
evidence-based nursing 循证护理
evidence-based occupational medicine 循证职业医学
evidence-based screening 循证筛选
evoked potential 诱发电位
Ewing’s sarcoma 尤文骨肉瘤
exact method 确切法
exact probability 确切概率
examination of design of the protective facilities for occupational disease in construction project 建设项目职业病防护设施设计卫生审查
excess mortality 超额死亡
exchange 交换[染色体]
exchange adsorption 交换吸附
exchange capacity 交换容量
exchange reaction 交换反应
exchange resin 交换树脂
exchanging air sampling method 空气置换采样法
exchanging liquid sampling method 液体置换采样法
excipient(vehicle) 赋形剂
excitation spectrum 激发光谱
exclusion bias 排除偏倚
exclusion criteria 排除标准
excretion 排泄
excursion limit 超限倍数
excursion limit 漂移限值
exercise test 运动试验
exfoliative dermatitis 剥脱性皮炎
exhaust hood 排气罩
exhaust stack 排气筒
expectancy life(active life,life expectancy) 期望寿命
expectant reward 期望报酬
expectant value 期望值
expectation of death 预期死亡
expectation of life 预期寿命
experimental design 实验设计
experimental design model 实验设计模型
experimental epidemiology 实验流行病学
experimental error 实验误差
experimental group 实验组
experimental hygiene 实验卫生学
experimental pneumoconiosis 实验性尘肺
explosive deafness 爆震性耳聋
explosive industry 炸药工业
exponential phase(log phase) 对数生长期
exposed group 暴露人群,接触人群
exposure 照射,辐照,暴露,接触,曝光,染毒
exposure assessment 接触评估,接触评价
exposure biomarker 接触生物标志物
exposure control 接触控制
exposure dose 接触剂量,照射量
exposure estimation 接触估测
exposure indicator 接触指标
exposure level 接触水平
exposure limit 承受极限
exposure marker 接触标记
exposure measurement 暴露测量
exposure of illumination 照射量
exposure of toxicant in dynamic system 动式染毒
exposure pattern 暴露模式
exposure phase 接触相
exposure rate 照射量率
exposure reaction 接触反应
exposure route 染毒途径
exposure time rate 接触时间率
exposure to toxicants 染毒
exposure-effect 接触-效应
exposure-effect relationship 接触(暴露)-效应关系,接触水平-效应关系
exposure-response 接触-反应
exposure-response relationship 接触(暴露)-反应关系,接触水平-反应关系
exposute assessment 暴露评估
extension 延伸
extent of decision-making latitude 自主程度
extent of job demands 工作需求程度
extent of social support 社会支持程度
exterior illuminance 室外照度
exterior exhaust hood 侧方吸出装置
external cohort 外部队列
external conversion 外转换
external dose 外剂量
external exposure 外接触量
external exposure(external irradiation) 外照射
external indicator 外指示剂
external quality control 外部质量控制
external radiation 外辐射
external standardization 外标法
extra-auditory effects 听觉外效应
extracelluar signal-regulated kinase 细胞外信号调节激酶
extracellular matrix 细胞外基质
extraction 抽提,萃取
extraction spectrophotometric method 萃取分光光度法
extramortality rate 超额死亡率
extrapolation 外推(法)
extrapolation coefficient 外推系数
extrapolation factor 外推系数
extremely low frequency magnetic field 极低频电磁场
extremely-high intensity work(job) 极大强度作业
extremely-low-frequency radiation 极低频辐射
extremely-toxic substance 剧毒物质
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 外源性变应性肺泡炎
eye and face protecting equipment against furnace heat 炉窑眼面防护具
eye and face protecting equipment for welders 焊接眼面防护具
eye and face protective equipment 眼面部防护用品
eye blink rate 眨眼率
eye flash 电光性眼炎
eye height 眼高
eye irritant test 眼刺激试验
eye protector 眼护具
eye shield 眼罩
eyepiece micrometer 目镜测微计