第2章 描述类
例如这道TASK 1:Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you have recently done that, ten years ago, you never imagined you would do.这道题是describe类题,要求描述一件你最近做过,但是10年前自己不敢想象的事情。首先在作答的时候可以明确自己想要描述的事件,比如make a public speech, bungee jumping, organize campaign events for chairperson of students' union等在自己成长过程中具有挑战性的事情,在示范回答中就是"host the festival party"。首先明确提出这个事件,然后对这个事件加以简单介绍,即describe的过程;比如这个festival party是什么类型的活动,举办的目的是什么,体现在答案中就是:
It's a campus-wide activity and a lot of students were there. The university had arranged some programs, like dancing and singing, so students could enjoy and celebrate the festival together.
I would never imagine myself being a host ten years ago, because I was so shy that when I stood on the stage, I didn't dare to speak a word. But now, facing so many audiences, I could speak fluently.
I think I've changed a lot during the years because of continuous practice. I am much more confident now and I love this change.
Recently, I hosted the festival party for my university. It was a campus-wide activity and a lot of students were there. The university had arranged some programs, like dancing and singing, so students could enjoy and celebrate the festival together. I would never imagine myself being a host ten years ago, because I was so shy that when I stood on the stage, I didn't dare to speak a word.But now, facing so many audiences, I could speak fluently. I think I've changed a lot during the years because of continuous practice. I am much more confident now and I love this change
1. 20160529—TASK 1
Your school is planning to forbid the use of cellphone on school grounds.What will be the effects of the new policy and why?Include reasons and examples to support your response.
对于这种时代气息很浓的题目,大家不妨以一些background information俗称context开头,这样能够更好地代入。
With the ever-accelerated booming of science and economy, it seems that the younger generation is growing up in a world that everything is paperless, and smart phone is playing an indispensable part in our daily life.So frankly speaking, I definitely go against the new policy.Primarily, many people seem to live under the illusion that cell phones can only do harm to adolescents and get in the way of their schoolwork.However, as a typical user, I can safely conclude that they also assist us in the academic field.For instance, we can search for information we need anytime and anywhere; through news websites like BBC, CNN, we can widen our horizons and expand the scope of knowledge.In the modern society, one of our best conversations happened through a screen.With the smart phone we are closely connected to the outside world, thus rendering it unfeasible to totally ban the use of phones at school.In addition, from the safety regard, students can contact their parents more conveniently in the face of the emergency.Though there are potential drawbacks, I still believe with proper regulation teenagers can make great use of their phones.
booming 繁荣
paperless 无纸化的
go against 不同意
from the … regard 从……方面看
make great use of 很好地利用
2. 20160924—TASK 1
There are many events at school which are negative when we confronted initially,while which are getting positive after we experienced.Please give an example of events that is negative at first and positive later for you.
题目要求我们给出一个一开始很抗拒,但一段时间后改变看法的学校活动。对于这道题,学校里每件事都可以说,比如小时候老师要求练字、每天练口算,后来语文老师每天要求积累好词好句,英语老师要求天天背英语课文,这些事的好处都可以概括为给日后的学习和进步打下基础,另外,像离开comfort zone,勇敢地加入各种社团,可能一开始非常痛苦,但慢慢会从中获益。
Definitely, not everything seems that attractive in the first place, but as tricks turn into treats, their true value is unveiled.For me, I personally found our English teacher's daily task of writing down beautiful sentences and new expressions on the notebook pretty ridiculous. Initially, I considered it as a total waste of time of just mechanically copying those characters. However, as time goes by, I tend to interpret the profound meaning behind the curtain as I can make great use of those advanced words and expressions and quintessential diction in my essay. All our efforts are eventually reimbursed.
unveil 揭开
mechanically 机械地
as time go by 随着时间推移
quintessential 典型的
reimburse 偿还,得到回报
3. 20160911—TASK 1
Teaching is a challenging profession. Even the best teacher can make mistakes. What are the common mistakes a teacher can make?
Conventionally, teaching is considered as an extremely sacred job for being a guide for each and every one of us. However, we have to admit that in reality, those"perfect people"in our imagination do make mistakes once in a while. Primarily, they sometimes fail to take every students' uniqueness into account. Like my math teacher in elementary school always thought everybody got the learning abilities which actually only a few top students did, and this resulted in disastrous grades. What's more, there are times when teachers can be sort of impatient especially when students ask questions that they are supposed to handle very well. This way, students are severely put down and lose confidence, perhaps even won't ask questions again and turn their backs on the problems until the test comes. Thus, teachers still have room for improvement.
sacred 神圣的
disastrous 灾难性的(引申为很惨的)
put down sb. 打击某人
ask question 提问
turn one's back on 离开,抛弃
4. 20170826—TASK 1
University students encounter many difficult challenges in their studies. Which challenge do you think is the most difficult one and how do you deal with it?
Looking back at my college life, I once faced an extremely difficult challenge. I could not reasonably manage my time. Back then, I always stayed up late but still missed the deadline for submitting assignments. I could not balance my social and academic life. As a result, my GPA took a pretty big hit. From that on, I decided to try a new method of managing my time. I made a schedule for my daily activities and marked the dates for presentations, quizzes and essays on my calendar. With these tools,I managed my time accordingly and only focused on that particular task. In this way, I was able to manage my own time and thus I had a much more balanced life and I myself have been much more composed since then.
back then 那时
take a hit 受到打击(引申为受到负面影响,口语)
accordingly 相应地
5. 20161126—TASK 1
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of doing some part-time jobs while studying in the college.
In the recent times, more and more college students tend to take part-time jobs while studying.However, each coin has two sides. Releasing financial stress is surely a huge benefit. Lately, the tuition for colleges has been skyrocketing. Thus, the income seems to play a more crucial role.Making good use of the spare time and taking part-time jobs like working in the school library can not only enrich students' campus life but also alleviate the financial burden. But when it comes to the disadvantages, college students should definitely prioritize their schoolwork. With tight schedule and tons of assignments, I don't really think they have enough time and energy to handle extra work.What's worse, the part-time jobs will also get in the way of their gym and relaxation time, which can be detrimental to student's physical and psychological health.
each coin has two sides 每个硬币都有两面(凡事都有两面性)
skyrocket 飞涨
alleviate 减轻
gym 可以泛指健身(口语)
physical and psychological health 身体和心理健康
6. 20160528—TASK 1
Your school is planning to require each student to do 40 hours of community service per year. Do you think it's a good idea?What are the advantages and disadvantages of this program?Include reasons and examples to support your response.
对于这种社区服务或者其他类似的题,大家可以在没事的时候想一个万能例子,比如去welfare institution,尽量多说细节,尽量多说短语,总之,很多话题稍微改一改就可以套上,这样表达就会流畅且有内容。
People's answer might differ significantly from one or another towards this topic. Frankly speaking,I do believe that it's beneficial for young students to take part in 40 hours of community service.Primarily, this is an invaluable chance for adolescents to nurture their sense of responsibility and get a better picture of the world. For example, I myself frequent to the local welfare institution. No matter who they are, the autistic children or the Alzheimer, I treat them patiently and equally. Making a contribution to the society has already become an indispensable part of my life. Not only can I obtain friendship and the sense of fulfillment, but I get to open up my eyes to the outside world as well. In addition, the requirement of 40h is undoubtedly appropriate as it won't take teenagers too much time or get in the way of their schoolwork.
frequent v. 经常光顾=frequently go to
autistic 自闭的
Alzheimer 老年痴呆症
7. 20160827—TASK 1
Talk about the advantages of living in a new place.
这道题只问了好处,所以大家只能讲好处。到一个新地方首先第一个想到的就是满满的新鲜感,让人们不再厌倦;到全新的地方我们告别了过去的一切,有更多机会结识新朋友;我们离开comfort zone,提高适应能力。
The beauty of life always lies in freshness, and thus living in a brand new place is absolutely a good choice. Primarily, a new site is usually accompanied by tons of opportunities to make new friends.Only by getting out of the comfort zone can we be exposed to a stage that pushes us to meet new people and make new friends, which enables us to open up our eyes to the outside world and widen the horizons. Besides, by living in a new place we develop the ability of adapting to diverse environments,which paves the way for our future development.
lie in 在于
be accompanied by 伴有
get out of the comfort zone 离开舒适区
8. 20170520—TASK 1
Describe a behavior that many people may do in public that you find inconsiderate.
Ever since the beginning of civilized modern society, people pay increasingly more attention to their behavior in public. From my perspective, I deem talking loudly in public to be extremely inconsiderate. Primarily, talking very loud can distract others. During a meeting or any other formal occasions, talking loudly may interrupt others' speech, as well as their mind. This will definitely decrease their efficiency and manifest that person as extremely uneducated. Also, talking loudly will probably annoy other people. On a crowded bus or subway, speaking in a high volume, especially on the cellphone, can make the environment noisy and make the ride insufferable for others.
formal occasion 正式场合
uneducated 没教养的
ride 旅行,旅程
9. 20160625—TASK 1
Sometimes people behave impolitely in public. Describe a time when an impolite behavior annoyed you. Explain why you were annoyed.
During the journey of human civilization, we always try to distinguish ourselves from other species by cherishing and following various social protocols. However, there are always those who fail to inhibit their impolite behaviors. Among them, I feel most offended by some talking loudly in public. When you are reading a romantic novel in a cafe, a rude, discordant voice interrupts your mind. When you are enjoying a fabulous movie in the cinema, someone shouts out the key plot of the latest Captain America. Not only does it seems to be impolite but also this kind of behavior is indeed offensive to others.
distinguish 区分,使有别于
protocal 礼仪
discordant 不和谐的
10. 20160604—TASK 1
Describe one or two changes in your life five years from now. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.
For me, the beauty of life lies in its uncertainty as we are constantly changing. In five years, I think I will be volunteering at a local welfare institution. There, I'll read Harry Potter for the kids and daily newspaper for the elders. No matter who they are, the autistic children or the Alzheimers, I will treat them with patience and equality. Although it doesn't sound like a grand dream, I still believe that volunteering and severing the minority should be an indispensable part of our daily lives. Not only can I get a better picture of the world, but I'm also making efforts to transform this planet we call home into a warmer place.
elders 老人,年长者
treat somebody with 用……对待某人
make efforts to do 努力去做
11. 20170304—TASK 1
Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the conflict.
In modern society, despite that technology has dramatically improved our quality of life, there still seem to be a lot of things we are not content with. I can recall the argument over animal testing with my debate partner JoJo. With the emphasis of equality and animal right, we start to acknowledge the use of animals for economic purposes. Not only are we not entitled to abuse any right of any species,there are also quite a lot of alternatives. However, my partner holds a distinctly different opinion. She considers the sacrifice of animals to be valid for realizing a larger benefit for humans. Animal testing ensures the safety of cosmetics and enables a large number of patients to live a healthier life, thus rendering this fair enough. Either way, the debate over these topics truly proves the unfathomable progress of the society.
quality of life 生活品质
be content with 对……满意
abuse 滥用
cosmetics 化妆品
unfathomable 难以了解的
12. 20161022—TASK 1
Describe a moment in which you were disappointed and how you finally solved it.
Life is like a box of chocolate, you will never know what you're gonna get. In summer vacation, I determined to unveil the truth of insanitary food stall along the street as an intern journalist. Armed with fancy camera and microphone, I went directly to the storekeeper."Back off!"he pushed me away rudely. And the village committee also shut the door and cut me off from the authority's backup.Suddenly, a brand new idea popped into my mind. I put on my school uniform and glasses and joined the queue of students who were waiting to get a bite of the deep fried food. When I was waiting for my cate, I chit-chatted with the storekeeper about the supplier of his raw material and snapped the photo as evidence. After the report came out, it created a heated debate and I felt a great sense of achievement.
Life is like a box of chocolate, you will never know what you're gonna get.生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗是什么味道。这句话经常被用来形容未来的不确定性。
push sb. aside/away 排挤/推开某人
deep fried food 重度油炸食品
13. 20160702—TASK 1
Describe the disadvantages of shopping on the Internet.
With the booming of technology and the prevalence of the Internet, online shopping websites like Amazon and eBay are gradually playing indispensable roles in people's everyday life. While greatly benefiting people's lives, over time, they have also manifested certain drawbacks. Primarily, if you are planning to buy new clothes or other accessories, it's probably better for you to try them on in person so as to know whether they fit you well and may end up getting something you don't really like,which is a waste of money. Also, for the more precious and fragile products, there's the inevitable risk of getting broken during the delivery. More importantly, you cannot make sure of the quality of the products. Anyway, shopping online has its own uncertainty, rendering it a bit risky.
accessories 饰品
fragile 易碎的
inevitable=unavoidable 不可避免的
14. 20170311—TASK 1
Things always change in unexpected ways. Please describe something you have recently done that, ten years ago, you never imagined you would do.
Ten years ago, I would never expect to spend a year in the US as an exchange student, living with the local family, attending a public school, and experiencing the life of an American teenager. One of the most wonderful experiences, of course also one I had never dreamed of, was my graduation trip to California with my friends. We took a flight from Chicago to San Francisco, walked through the beaches with our feet bare in the freezing water, enjoyed the sunshine and swift breeze, took pictures with the Golden Gate Bridge, drove to the UC Berkley and finally headed up north to LA— spending 3 days in fancy Disneyland. I booked all the tickets and hotels, rented a car, and did research on special attractions and restaurants that we shouldn't miss on this trip. When I was really young, I never expected myself to be so independent and responsible at the age of 17.
take a flight to 坐飞机去
swift breeze 微风
head up north 北上
15. 20160820—TASK 1
In every culture there are some customs or traditions from the past that young people no longer follow. Describe a custom or tradition which formed in the past that is no longer common but that you wish were still popular today. Give specific reasons why you wish it were still popular.
Ever since the huge variation of the concept of fashion, rarely can modern citizens see cheongsam,a straight dress usually made by silk with a stand-up collar and a slit in one side of the skirt. Several decades ago, elegant women wearing all kinds of cheongsam hanging around was an unutterably attractive and breath-taking scenery. Wearing high heels as well as the traditional dress, young ladies were definitely one of the most amazing symbols of Chinese culture. However, today jeans and sneakers take up most part of Chinese girls' wardrobe. Besides some formal occasions, cheongsam has become history as time goes by.
rarely can modern citizens see… 现代人很少看到……这是一个表示否定的副词(rarely、hardly、never)引导的倒装句
unutterably 难以言表地
breath-taking 惊人的,令人屏息的
wardrobe 衣柜
16. 20160507—TASK 1
Do you agree or disagree that students should be expelled from school if they are cheating in exams?
In each and every single student's life, we have all faced the dilemma of getting expelled as a result of cheating in exams. Although this can be extremely controversial, I still tend to believe it's the right thing to do. Primarily, the purpose of schooling is the acquisition of knowledge but not the mastery of cheating. One's cheating shows his exact loophole in the academic field which essentially nullifies the initial purpose of examination. In addition, it's universally acknowledged that cheating can negatively affect the reputation of the student himself as well as the entire school. Therefore, I support the school's expelling the students who have cheated in exams.
each and every single student 每个学生
dilemma 困境
as a result of 作为……的结果
acquisition of knowledge 获取知识
loophole 漏洞
it is universally acknowledged that 众所周知
17. 20160716—TASK 1
Many students are asked to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
Teachers play a truly essential part in students' campus life and academic performance. As for valuing the professors at the end of the term, I do believe it is effective and necessary. Primarily, different professors have various kinds of personal styles and distinct teaching methods. After studying for a whole term, students get to know him or her relatively well and can get a thorough picture, thus rendering the evaluation pretty reliable and objective. Also, valuing professors can aid students in figuring out whether he or she fits this mechanism of learning well and what needs to be perfect so as to obtain a better result. To put all in a nutshell, after weighing diverse factors, it's fair for students to value professors at the end of the term.
play an essential part in… 在……中扮演重要角色
get a thorough picture 有一个直观的了解
render sth. +adj 使某事变得……
aid sb. in 在……上帮助某人
to put all in a nutshell 总之