第2章 Of Death——Francis Bacon
Men fear death,as children fear to go in the dark;and as that natural fear in children is increased with tales,so is the other.Certainly,the contemplation of death,as the wages of sin,and passage to another world,is holy and religious;but the fear of it,as atribute due unto nature,is weak.Yet in religious meditations,there is sometimes mixture of vanity,and of superstition.You shall read,in some of the friars'books of mortifications,that aman should think with himself,what the pain is,if he have but his finger's end pressed,or tortured,and thereby imagine,what the pains of death are,when the whole body is corrupted,and dissolved;when many times death passeth,with less pain than the torture of alimb;for the most vital parts are not the quickest of sense.And by him that spoke only as aphilosopher,and natural man,it was well said,Pompa mortis magis terret,quam mors ipsa.[1]Groans,and convulsions,and adiscolored face,and friends weeping,and blacks,and obsequies,and the like,show death terrible.It is worthy the observing,that there is no passion in the mind of man so weak,but it mates,and masters,the fear of death;and therefore,death is no such terrible enemy,when aman hath so many attendants about him that can win the combat of him.Revenge triumphs over death;love slights it;honor aspireth to it;grief flieth to it;fear preoccupieth it.
Certainly,the Stoics[2]bestowed too much cost upon death,and by their great preparations,made it appear more fearful.Better saith he,qui finem vitae extremum inter munera ponat naturae.[3]It is as natural to die,as to be born;and to alittle infant,perhaps,the one is as painful as the other.He that dies in an earnest pursuit,is like one that is wounded in hot blood;who,for the time,scarce feels the hurt;and therefore,a mind fixed,and bent upon somewhat that is good,doth avert the dolors of death.But,above all,believe it,the sweetest canticle is,nunc dimittis;[4]when aman hath obtained worthy ends,and expectations.Death hath this also;that it openeth the gate to good fame,and extinguisheth envy.—Extinctus amabitur idem.[5]
(曹明伦 译)
tribute n. (尤其对死者的)致敬;称赞
friar n. (天主教的)男修士
obsequies n. 葬礼
Stoics n. 斯多葛学派;禁欲主义者
dolor n. 悲哀;忧伤
Death is no such terrible enemy,when aman hath so many attendants about him that can win the combat of him.Revenge triumphs over death;love slights it;honor aspireth to it;grief flieth to it;fear preoccupieth it.既然人有这么多可战胜死亡的随从,那死亡就并非如此可怕的敌人。复仇之心可征服死亡,爱恋之心会蔑视死亡,荣誉之心会渴求死亡,悲痛之心会扑向死亡,连恐惧之心亦会预期死亡。