8 培训班
Dialogue 对话 MP3 03-08
Steven isn't good at Chinese. His friend Mike advises him to enter a Chinese training school. They are having a conversation now.

Steven:Mike, I can't catch up with our Chinese teacher very well.
Mike:I advise you to take an additional course in some Chinese schools.
Steven:What is that?
Mike:This kind of school is good at helping people to improve their Chinese.
Steven:Will they recommend me the class that suits me?
Mike:Sure. You can review the lessons you have learned at school and learn something new there.
Steven:That's great. I'll tell my mother about it.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
improve [ɪmˈpruːv]v.改善,提高,增加
recommend [rekəˈmend]v.推荐,介绍,建议
suit [sjuːt]v.适合,讨好
review [rɪˈvjuː]v./ n.复习,查阅,评论
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 I will improve my English by taking some training courses.我想通过参加培训班来提高我的英语水平。
2 I can't catch up with our English teacher very well, so I want to take a training course.我跟不上英语老师的课,因此我想上个培训班。
3 I advise you to take an additional course in some accounting schools.我建议你去会计学校学一些额外的课程。
4 I can review the lessons I have learned at school and learn something new there.我在那里可以复习学校里学过的课,还可以学到新的东西。
5 Finding my disadvantage of English exam, I took part in one training class on doctor exam.发现自己英语水平很差后,我就参加了一个博士研究生考试培训班。
6 Our maths teacher will spend her summer holidays in taking part in the teacher training class.我们数学老师要利用暑假参加师资培训班。
7 Training will enable you to find a job.培训将使你找到工作。
8 The training will sharpen your thinking.培训会使你思维敏捷。
1 Are you looking for a weight training class?你在寻找力量训练的课程吗?
2 The university also offers a Japanese language training class.该大学还提供日语培训班。
3 Is there any difference from our school's English course?那和我们学校的英语课程有区别吗?
4 Will you recommend me the class that suits me?你们会推荐适合我的课程吗?
5 The class was opened up for the general public.培训班向普通大众开放。
6 New students registering in May will attend one specific registration session.五月份报名的同学将参加一期具体的报名说明会。
7 Before you start your training, they will test you on your English first.在你进行培训之前,他们先会对你的英语进行测试。
8 Parents can send their children to English training classes as well.家长也可以给孩子报英语辅导班。
9 Can you tell me how good my English can get there?你能告诉我在那里我的英语能学到什么程度吗?
10 This kind of training school is good at helping people to improve their English.这种培训学校善于帮助大家提高英语水平。
11 We will offer an individual tutorship and compulsory exercise after class as per the different condition of every student.课后我们按每个学生的情况进行个别辅导,根据每个学生的基础进行针对性练习。
12 A training class will begin in the gym.健身房有一个培训班。
13 Where can I apply for this training class?我去哪里报名参加这种培训班呢?
1 I've just taken an English training course.我刚刚参加了英语培训班。
2 Thank you for giving me this chance to attend this training course.感谢你给我这个机会参加这个培训班。
3 I was at a training class of accountanting.我那时在上一个会计培训班。
4 Are you taking a language course?你在上语言培训班吗?
5 Each type of training class will be opened once every month.每种类型培训班每月各一期。
6 I'll attend the training class the day after tomorrow.我后天要参加培训班。
7 On my weekends, I take part in the English training to practice my English.周末的时候,我还参加英语培训来提高英语水平。
8 You join this training group for your confidence in me.你们因为相信我而参加这个培训班。
9 Thank you for your help while I am in the training class.谢谢您在我上培训班时给我的帮助。
10 When he was in kindergarten, Mom had sent him to children's English training class.当他还在幼儿园的时候,妈妈就把他送到英语培训班里学习少儿英语。
11 Did Paul attend the training class?保罗参加培训班了吗?
12 Starting from the first grade, my daughter entered the Latin dance and flute's training class.从一年级开始,我女儿就参加了拉丁舞和长笛的培训班。
13 I am studying finance in a training school at present.目前我正在一个培训学校学习财政学。
14 He participated in Qi Gong training class in his junior year.他在大学三年级时曾参加过气功训练班。
15 Many children learn swimming by taking part in the fast swimming training class in their summer vacation.暑假里许多孩子通过参加游泳速成培训班来学习游泳。
16 Large companies have to run sales training programs from time to time.大公司得时常举办各种销售培训班。
1 The piano training class is on Sunday.钢琴培训班是周日上课。
2 The second phase of the project will start on August, 3rd and end on August, 10th.第二期培训班将于8月3日正式开班,8月10日结束。
3 I must attend my English training courses every Saturday afternoon.每个周六下午我都要参加英语培训课程。
4 The handwriting training class is on Saturday.书法培训班是周六上课。
5 According to the training schedule, I must attend my violin courses on Sundays.根据培训课程安排,我每个周日都要去上小提琴课。
6 My maths training courses are scheduled on Friday afternnon.我的数学培训课程被安排到周五下午了。
1 What have you learned from the training course?你参加这次培训班有什么体会?
2 That training class increased his accomplishments as a violinist.那个培训班提升了他作为小提琴手的技艺。
3 Over 650000 had attended various technical training courses, and 465000 received certificates of technical qualification.已有65万余人参加各类技术培训班,46.5万余人获得技术等级证书。
4 I have learned how to nurse people in the training courses.我在培训课程中学会了如何护理他人。
5 I found my English was improved when the English training class was over.当英语培训班课程结束时,我发现我的英语提高了很多。
6 I got much benefit from my shorthand training courses.我从我的速记培训课程中获益匪浅。