第二节 技巧指南
例1 2014年A类决赛
How has the company been affected by the change?
A.Lots of its factories have stopped running.
B.Many workers have been forced to retire early.
C.It is going to close down soon.
D.Very few workers will be forced to resign.
题干问公司由于变化受到了什么影响,根据选项中出现的关键词factories,workers,close down,可以猜出公司由于变化出现了危机,要么是在工厂运行方面的,要么是在员工方面的,并且注意B、D选项均是根据workers设置的选项,注意二者的区分。听录音时应重点注意关于factories,company和workers的描述。
W:How has the takeover affected the company?
M:A plant in Manila and another in Dubai will be closed down.About300people are going to lose their jobs.But most of them will be offered jobs in other plants and quite afew want to take early retirement.
W:So there are no compulsory redundancies?
M:Very few.
例2 2012年A类初赛
Why is the woman in agood mood?
A.The copier worked and she got the copies.
B.She kicked the copier and now feels better.
C.She had the copier fixed in time.
W:This stupid thing keeps getting jammed.I can't get it to make any copies.
M:So it makes sense you're in such agood humor.
W:I gave it agood kick and feel better.
例1 2007年A类初赛
A:Look,it's already8o'clock,and Tom said he'd be here by7.
B:Yes,but you know what the traffic is like at this time of the day.
A:He said he'd make aspecial effort not to be late.Why does he always do this?
B:Take it easy.There's probably areasonable explanation.
A:You mean he'll give us one of his typical excuses?Well,I've had enough of it already.
Q:How does the woman feel about Tom's being late?
【解析】根据录音中的关键词“always”及“had enough of”,可推测出女士对于Tom迟到这件事很生气。
例 2012年A类决赛
How often does the man play cricket?
M:I got abackache from playing cricket.
W:I didn't know you played cricket.
M:Well,once in ablue moon.
【解析】在回答这个问题时,男士说到once in ablue moon(极为罕见,千载难逢),可知他很少玩板球。如果知道这个习语,就不难选出正确答案。
(1)地点与方向(Location and Direction)
例 2008年A类样题
A.At abank.B.At adepartment store.C.At alawyer's office.
W:I just stopped by at your office in the bank.They told me that you had quit.Where are you working now?
M:I am working for alawyer now.The pay is better and the work is much more interesting.
Q:Where did the man work before?
【解析】从第一句I just stopped by at your office in the bank可知男士曾在银行工作过。
例1 2013年A类初赛
Where does the dialogue probably take place?
A.On atrain.B.In arestaurant.C.In agym.
M:Can Ihelp you?
W:Oh,thank you.Would you mind putting my case on the rack?
M:Not at all.There you are.
【解析】录音中女士问男士“能帮你什么忙吗?”,男士回答说“Would you mind putting my case on the rack?”(你介意帮我把箱子放在行李架上吗?),由此可推测出这个对话发生在火车上。
例2 2013年A类决赛
Where does this conversation probably take place?
A.In aswimming pool.
B.In abank.
C.On aplane.
M:This is your passbook.The interest rate will automatically adjust depending on how much you have in the account.
W:Oh,that's good.There's something else.I'd like to apply for amortgage,please.
M:Certainly,I'll make you an appointment with our mortgage adviser.
【解析】根据录音中的关键词和短语passbook(存折)、interest rate(利率)、account(账户)和apply for amortgage(申请住房贷款)等,可推测对话的发生地点为银行,故答案选B。

(2)时间与数字(Time and Numeral)
例 2007年A类初赛
A:Good morning.Do you have any tickets left for this evening's performance?
B:Let me just have alook.Well,there're afew seats left in the front stalls.How many tickets do you want?
A:Just two.
B:Yes,I can give you two in the third row.They are39pounds each.
A:39pounds!I see.All right,I'll take them.
B:That's78pounds altogether.You can come to pick them up by6:30.
Q:What's the total cost of the tickets?
例 2013年A类初赛
How much did Google approximately earn in the same period last year?
Google had intended to release its earnings report after the close of trading,but the report was put out early by mistake.It showed that Google's earnings fell by around20%in the third-quarter when compared to the same period ayear ago,to just over$2bn.Google's share price immediately began to fall until trading was halted.Analysts said that the cost related to the acquisition of Motorola and the strong dollar had contributed to the fall in earnings.
5:12five twelve/twelve past five
7:15seven fifteen/a quarter past seven(after seven)
8:45eight forty-five/a quarter to nine
11:50eleven fifty/ten to twelve
2:00pm/14:00two pm/fourteen hundred hours
3月15日March15th/the15th of March
每隔一天(每两天)every other day/every two days
几天前the other day/a few days ago
两星期fortnight/period of two weeks
20世纪the twentieth century
19世纪40年代in the eighteen forties
公元前450年(450BC)four hundred and fifty BC/four fifty BC
10ten/a decade
12twelve/a dozen
1960nineteen sixty
1900nineteen hundred
1/2(0.5)one half(zero point five)
1/4(0.25)one fourth/a quarter(zero point twenty five)
注意数量单位与单位基数的不同。如:a penny=one cent,a nickel=five cents,a quarter=twenty-five cents,a half dollar=fifty cents。
A quarter指时间是15分钟,指月份是一季度(三个月),指百分比为25%。
(3)身份与关系(Identity and Relationship)
What is the woman's job?
What's the relationship between the man and the woman?
What do you think is Mary's profession?
What is the relationship between Tom and Jerry?
例1 2014年A类样题
What does Peter do?
A.A student.
B.A teacher.
C.A headmaster.
D.An assistant.
W:Peter,I've got your letter here requesting leave.
M:Yes,I'm still owed two and ahalf days and I've got an exam next week Imust prepare for.
W:You can't just take leave whenever you want it.You know we're very busy next week and we'll need you to teach.
【解析】题目问的是:Peter是做什么的?录音中听到女士在看到男士的假条后说“You can't just take leave whenever you want it.You know we're very busy next week and we'll need you to teach.”,由teach一词可推出Peter应该是老师。
例 2008年A类样题
A.Policeman and driver.
B.Teacher and pupil.
C.Driver and actress.
M:Why didn't you stop when we first signaled?
W:I'm sorry.Will Ihave to pay afine?
Q:What's the probable relationship between the man and woman?
【解析】从stop,first signaled以及pay afine等关键词,可知两人是警察与司机的关系。

(4)态度与建议(Attitude and Suggestion)
How does the man/woman feel about?
What does the man/woman think of...?
What does the man/woman mean?
What does the man/woman say about...?
例1 2012年A类决赛
What does the man think of David?
A.He thinks David is the best candidate.
B.He doesn't think David has astrong personality.
C.He doesn't think David is ideal for the project.
M:David is of asimilar age to the other contestants.He's an unemployed musician,he likes discussions and he's got something different to offer.
W:So do you think he'll fit in the project?
M:Well,I doubt whether we want people with too strong personalities.
【解析】在回答David是否适合这项任务时,男士提到I doubt whether we want people with too strong personalities可知,他认为David个性太强,所以并不是合适的人选。故选C。
例2 2007年A类初赛
A.It will be fine.
B.It will be too long.
C.It will be boring.
A:I must admit that I'm not really looking forward to it.
A:Well,I've been to their parties before,and Idon't suppose this one will be any better.All the same people are going on and on about their jobs.
A:They all think they are so important.Honestly,I just can't be bothered with them.I never know what to say.Still I've been invited,so Isuppose I'd better go.
Q:What does the man think the party will be like?
支持:yes,sure,of course,that's agood idea,out of question...
反对:no,not really,not likely,not at all,no way,out of the question...
支持:no,of course not,you don't
反对:yes,of course,you do
not impossible,can't agree...any more,not unusual等。
not all...(或:all...not),not every(或:every...not),not always等。
If it weren't for...,It hadn't been for...,but for,supposing等。
Why not...?
Why don't you/we...?
How about...?
You'd better...
You may/might as well...
If Iwere you,I would...
I'd rather you...
(5)行为与计划(Action and Plan)
What does the man want to do?
What is the man planning to do?
What is the man going to do?
What are the two speakers talking about?
例 2012年A类初赛
What did the woman do last night?
A.Watched TV.
B.Went to the circus.
C.Practiced juggling.
M:Did you have fun last night?
W:To be frank,I've seen better things on television.I didn't like seeing large animals performing tricks,and the jugglers weren't as skillful as Ithought they'd be.
M:Sounds like awaste of money,then.
【解析】女士说不喜欢看large animals杂耍和jugglers变戏法,反而还不如电视节目精彩,而男士也认为她的做法浪费了金钱。所以她昨晚去了马戏团看表演。
例 2011年A类初赛
What will the woman do next?
A.Visit the pet motel.
B.Write areview.
C.Look for some information.
W:What should we do about the animals while we're on vacation?
M:I was thinking of asking our neighbor,Bob,to take them in.But,we've got three cats and adog.It's really alot to ask.
W:Yeah,it is.You know,there's apet motel on Woodland Avenue.I'll go online and look for reviews about the place.
【解析】女士说I'll go online and look for reviews,可知她要去找和pet motel有关的信息,因此选C。
例 2009年A类初赛
What is the patient suffering from?
A.A throat infection.
B.A skin infection.
C.A serious cut.
M:If you'll just have aseat,Ms.Thomas,I'll look into your mouth.Open wide!Em,still abit red and swollen.Have you been taking the tablets Iprescribed and cut down on the cigarettes?
W:Yes,doctor.It's actually not half as sore as it was.
M:Em,yes.Your voice sounds better as well.Just take the tablets for afew more days and we'll have another look then.
(6)因果(Cause and Effect)
Why can't sb.do sth.?
Why is sb....?
Why does sb....?
例1 2009年A类初赛
Why is the man late?
A.The trains were delayed.
B.He couldn't find abus stop.
C.Something went wrong with his friend's motorbike.
M:Sorry,I'm late.Did you hear about the trains?
W:Yes,I heard they were running late.
M:Well,I realized Imight be late,so Itried to find abus and on my way Ibumped into Jerry.He offered me alift on his motorbike.But unfortunately,it was exhausted by flameout,so in the end,I had to walk.
例2 2013年A类初赛
Why did the man get divorced according to the woman?
A.He was bad-tempered all the time.
B.He didn't help take care of the baby.
C.He spent too much time in the pub.
M:It was all my fault.I wish Ihadn't been so thoughtless.I used to come back late from work,after stopping off at the pub on the way home,and didn't lift afinger to help when Idid get home.I should've helped more with the baby and things like that.
W:Well yes,the main thing if you ask me is that you shouldn't have taken on that new job in London when she'd just had ababy.
M:Now I'm adivorced idiot.
例3 2014年A类初赛
Why did the man move?
A.He needed alarger building.
B.He wanted an environmental-friendly place for business.
C.He wanted to live downtown.
D.He needed convenient transportation.
W:Have you always been on this site?
M:No,we used to be on an industrial estate on the outskirts of York.
W:Why did you move?
M:We needed larger premises so we moved to this greenfield site last year.
【解析】对话中女士问及男士搬家的原因,根据其回答“We needed larger premises so we moved to this greenfield site last year”,可知男士想要更大的经营场所,所以进行了搬迁。premises房屋;经营场所。
①注意听清第二个人的讲话内容,尤其是当第二个对话人使用I'd like to...,but...句式时,but之后就是具体原因。
words:because,as,for,since,in that,hence,therefore,consequently,cause,reason
expressions:due to,owing to,because of,thanks to,on account for,as aresult,result from,result in,lead to,give rise to,contribute to,attribute to,now that,so that,so...that,such...that,in order to,be responsible for
climate,forecast,get worse,sunny,bright,warm(up),cloudy,overcast,gloomy,windy,foggy,rain,snow,snow storm,etc.
冷暖:temperature,hot,cold,such asevere winter,etc.
What are they/the two speakers talking about?
What do we learn from the conversation?
例1 2014年A类决赛
What do we learn from the conversation?
A.Landfill is now the main approach to waste disposal.
B.The man's factory has begun to burn its waste.
C.Burning waste will do more harm to the environment.
D.The government is going to stop the use of landfill.
W:How do you dispose of the waste in your factory?
M:We have to send it to landfill.It's very expensive because the government recently introduced alandfill tax so we're planning to build anew incineration plant next year to burn our waste.
W:But doesn't burning waste produce carbon monoxide?
M:Yes,it does.But we believe it's less harmful to the environment than landfill.
【解析】当被问及如何处理工厂垃圾时,男士指出“We have to send it to landfill”,并提到最近政府引入了垃圾掩埋税,进行垃圾填埋很昂贵,因此他们考虑在下一年建造焚烧车间。对于女士关于焚烧垃圾产生二氧化碳的质疑,男士回答说“But we believe it's less harmful to the environment than landfill”,可见只有A项符合录音内容。
例2 2012年A类初赛
What are the speakers talking about?
A.A photo.
C.A painting.
M:What do you think of this one?
W:To be honest,it's not really my taste.I'm not really into this style of portrait.And it sort of looks like aphoto to me.
M:I like the colors,and the expression on her face is kind of intense.
【解析】从女士的评价I'm not really into this style of portrait,photo以及男士的colors可知对话是在讨论一幅画。
原因在对话中常常会成为考试的焦点。因此,当对话中出现一些表示原因的标志词,如because,for,since,now that,so,consequently,therefore等时,考生要格外注意。
Where does the conversation most probably take place?
When will the show begin?
How much is achild's ticket?
How long does it take the man to...?
What gifts can children get from the library this year?
例1 2011年A类初赛
What time is Mike's wife's appointment?
Mike:This is Mike speaking.I'd like to make an appointment for my wife.She wants to come in at the end of the week.
Receptionist:How about this Friday morning?That's Friday the21st.
Mike:Mmm,I don't think she can make the morning.Any openings in the afternoon?
Receptionist:Yes.Appointments are available at2:00,2:30and3:30.
Mike:We'll take the first one,please.
【解析】前台接待员说“Appointments are available at2:00,2:30and3:30”,之后男士选了第一个,故选A。
例2 2014年A类初赛
What is the earliest record of alcohol about?
A.It is just meaningless graffiti randomly drawn.
B.It is about how the earliest alcohol was produced.
C.It is the complaint about people adding water to the beer.
D.It is about how ancient people drank alcohol.
W:Has alcohol always been apart of people's lives?
M:Alcohol has been with us for thousands of years and must be nearly as old as civilization itself.The earliest piece of graffiti ever found,on awall in ancient Sumeria,complained that the beer was being watered down.In most societies,it is an integral part of celebrations and social gatherings.
【解析】题干问及关于酒的最早记录与什么相关,对话开头男士提到“The earliest piece of graffiti ever found,on awall in ancient Sumeria,complained that the beer was being watered down”,即在古苏美尔的一面墙上,对啤酒被兑水的抱怨,故答案选C。
What can you infer from the conversation?
What might be the man's attitude toward...?
What does the man think about...?
例1 2011年A类初赛
What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?
A.Travel agent and customer.
B.Professor and student.
John:I know.I was hoping that they'd stay at3,000words or only go up to3,500,but no luck,I'm afraid.
Jane:What about the deadline?
John:The first one has to be in by October30th and the second by November30th.It looks like one essay amonth the same as last year.
Jane:Well,at least that hasn't changed,but as it's the end of September now,that leaves only amonth to get the first one done.I'm going to get onto that straight away.
John:Yes,you'd better.If you want to talk about it,I'm going to be at the campus cafeteria at1:30for lunch.We could go over some questions.
例2 2012年A类决赛
What does John think of the Conservative government's training schemes in the last five years?
A.It helped alot,but it didn't solve unemployment.
B.It was atrick the government played and couldn't solve the problem.
C.It was only carried out for afew months and few people got jobs in the end.
W:Unemployment has been falling steadily over the last five years thanks to our training schemes.
M:But those schemes just keep young people out of the unemployment statistics for afew months.Very few of them get jobs in the end.In fact,all you did was to play with the statistics to make it look as if unemployment was falling.Well,what about more action on poverty?
【解析】在评价training schemes时,男士John说道all you did was to play with the statistics to make it look as if unemployment was falling。所以他认为政府的这一小把戏并不能解决实际问题。
What is the conversation mainly about?
What are the two speakers talking about?
What does the conversation focus on?
What is the main topic of the conversation?
例1 2012年A类初赛
What are the speakers talking about?
A.When to build ahotel.
B.The species of animals on the land.
C.The use of the land.
W:I don't really have any expertise in managing.Have you got any idea what we could do with it?
M:Well,when Isee fifty square kilometers of land,I think of money.
W:Ha,that's typical of you.
M:Well,yeah.I think,you know,a hotel will be great here.There's enough room for it,and as it's in the middle of this kind of wonderful environment,we could really sell it.
W:Yeah,the land's got these really lovely environmental features.You've got these lovely hills and there're all these lovely trees,and alittle forest down there.Perhaps it would be nicer to do something that's kind of more sympathetic with the environment,like,um,you could leave it wild and just let the animals roam free,or you could have like amore organized animal sanctuary to get the most out of the features of it.
【解析】男士提及land,且进一步表示a hotel will be great here。而女士也认为the land's got these really lovely environmental features,并给出了关于土地建设的具体意见。所以两人讨论的是土地利用的问题。
例2 2013年A类初赛
What is this conversation about?
A.Travel agencies.
B.Space tours.
C.Holiday plans.
W:Welcome to the Holiday Show.Today with me in the studio Ihave Richard Bennet,a travel consultant who's going to tell us about the holiday for those who have been everywhere.So Richard,what's the next frontier for the fearless traveller?
M:We're already working on plans that will get tourists into space within the next ten years.
例1 2011年A类初赛
What are the most damaging emissions?
A.Ultrafine particles.
C.Particles produced by gasoline engines.
People who live in polluted cities can see the grit and dirt produced from vehicle engines but some of the most damaging emissions are only now starting to be understood.They're ultrafine particles,way too small to be seen.Hundreds of them,placed side by side,match the width of ahuman hair.They are primarily produced by combustion in diesel engines.
【解析】新闻第一句末尾和第二句明确指出“the most damaging emissions...They're ultrafine particles...”,故选A项。
例2 2013年A类初赛
What measure is mentioned in the news?
A.Consolidating buildings.
B.Implementing acurfew in cities.
C.Storing food and water.
Heavy rains and strong winds are battering parts of Jamaica as Hurricane Sandy approaches.Schools and airports have been closed,and acurfew is in place in cities to keep people off the streets.Meteorologists have expected between25and50centimeters of rain to fall.They predict Hurricane Sandy will reach Haiti,Dominican Republic and Cuba.Yvonne Nelson is ashelter manager in Kingston,Jamaica.She described the preparations underway.
【解析】这则新闻是讲飓风Sandy到来时,强风暴雨重创了牙买加的许多地区。其中提到的措施是关闭学校和机场,而且“a curfew is in place in cities to keep people off the streets”(在城市里实行一项宵禁令,让人们远离街道)。
例3 2014年A类初赛
What has caused the dispute over South Korea's law under consideration?
A.Benefit conflict among different industrial groups.
B.The popularity of online gaming in South Korea.
C.Parents concern about children's mental health.
D.Conflict between social and economic priorities.
South Korea's parliament is considering alaw that would classify online gaming as apotentially antisocial addiction alongside gambling,drugs and alcohol.The bill has won support from parents,religious groups and doctors but has alarmed the Internet industry and enraged gamers.The legislation includes provisions to limit advertising,while aseparate bill would take1%of the gaming industry's revenue to create afund to curb addiction.The uproar over the legislation highlights conflicting social and economic priorities in South Korea.
【解析】该则新闻的重点为最后一句“The uproar over the legislation highlights conflicting social and economic priorities in South Korea”(关于该立法的喧嚣突出了韩国社会和经济首要任务之间的冲突),因此答案选D。
例1 2014年A类决赛
What's the main idea of the news?
A.The retirement saving schemes have benefited millions of UK workers.
B.The retirement saving schemes will be reformed.
C.The retirement saving schemes have just got started.
D.The retirement saving schemes are being questioned.
Millions of workers will be exposed to“risky”and outdated retirement saving schemes under the government's scheme to automatically enrol people into pensions,former Downing Street adviser Dr.Ros Altmann has warned.Pension schemes under the Government's automatic enrolment initiative started in October2012and are expected to result in around11million new pension savers over the next five years.Altmann said:“The future for pensions is more complex and risky than ever before.”She called for an overhaul of defined contribution(DC)pensions which,she argued,“are not fit for21st-century lives”.
【解析】新闻开头点明主题“Millions of workers will be exposed to‘risky’and outdated retirement saving schemes under the government's scheme to automatically enrol people into pensions...”,即政府将民众自动纳入退休金的方案将令数百万工人陷入高风险、过时的退休金储备系统。因此D项“退休金方案正遭受质疑”概括了新闻主要内容。
例2 2014年A类初赛
What is the main idea of the news?
A.Obesity among youth in the UK is increasing rapidly.
B.The Obesity Action Campaign has won popular support.
C.Obesity has resulted in the rapid increase in liver disease in the UK.
D.Liver disease is no longer to be neglected in the UK.
“Cirrhosis triggered by obesity threatens to sweep through hospitals across the UK”,said Doctor Jude Oben,a hepatologist.Oben recently launched the charity Obesity Action Campaign to help in the battle against the spread of the condition.In the past,excess alcohol consumption and hepatitis infections have been the main causes of cirrhosis in Britain.Now athird cause—obesity—has triggered amajor increase in cases of liver disease in the UK.Liver disease is the fifth largest cause of death in the UK,and in the past10years there has been afivefold increase in cirrhosis for those aged between35and55.
【解析】新闻中首先指出肥胖所导致的肝硬化(cirrhosis)在英国的普遍性,提到之前肝硬化的主要诱因是过度饮酒和传染性肝炎,而如今第三种诱因“obesity—has triggered amajor increase in cases of liver disease in the UK”,由此可知该新闻主要内容是“肥胖导致英国肝脏疾病的快速增加”,即C项内容。
例1 2012年A类决赛
What does the reverse brain drain in the news refer to?
A.Talents flowing from developed countries to their motherland.
B.Talents flowing from developing countries to developed ones.
C.Talents flowing from big cities to rural areas.
Congress is studying how to change immigration policies in an effort to get more foreign students to stay and work in the United States.Many foreign students come to the United States to earn advanced degrees in science,technology,engineering and math.But many are unable to get avisa to live and work here after they graduate.So far no agreement has been reached on how to stop this so-called reverse brain drain.The loss of highly skilled workers usually involves developing countries losing them to wealthier ones.Critics say immigration policies in the United States are too restrictive.
【解析】文中提到现行的移民措施导致many foreign students...unable to get avisa to live and work in the United States,即许多留学生归国,这将造成许多发展中国家的reverse brain drain“人才回流”。故选A。
例2 2014年A类初赛
What could be inferred from the news?
A.There is no evidence that the planet is suitable for human existence.
B.There may be several planets that really resemble the Earth in space.
C.Scientists are planning to explore the planet someday.
D.Astronomers have landed on an Earth-like planet in space.
Scientists believe one in five stars in our galaxy have Earth-like planets orbiting them.But the ultimate goal of finding aworld that truly resembles our own has continued to elude astronomers.Now researchers have come astep closer by finding Earth's gassy twin in another solar system200light years away.It orbits adim red dwarf star at such aclose distance that temperatures on its surface could be as high as104℃—too hot for most forms of life on Earth.KOI-314C is only30percent more dense than water.This suggests that the world is enveloped by ablanket of hydrogen and helium hundreds of miles thick.
【解析】新闻中首先提到找到真正与地球相似的星球持续“elude astronomers”(elude使……迷惑;理解不了),随后指出研究者发现与地球相似的这个星球表面温度可达到104摄氏度,并且氢和氮的含量浓度很大。换句话说,就是并无证据表明该星球适合人类生存。故答案选A。
例1 2014年A类决赛
Mainly for students throughout the Southeast,Midwest,and__________of the US...
【预测】通过and可知,空缺处和Southeast,Midwest并列,由此预判空缺处应填入一个名词,而且表示的是美国的某个地区或者地点。(答案为Rocky Mountain regions。)
例2 2014年A类决赛
Designed by__________at the University of Iowa in1959to...
【预测】空格部分接在介词by的后面,因此需填入名词表示是由谁设计的。同时通过后面的at the University of Iowa in1959可知,参加设计的人和大学有关系。(答案为researchers。)

Now let's move on to the disadvantages.
Now let's look at the features of them one by one.
There are at least three components of...
In the next part of the lecture,I'd like to talk about one of the basic steps...
In today's lecture,I'll try to answer these questions.
These are the steps shared between...and...
Generally speaking,there are two basic types of...
First and foremost...
Last but not the least...
After this stage come the levels of...
Next,the level of...
What follows is the top level of...
For one thing,...Another component of...is...,and last...
First of all,what is...?
例 2014年A类初赛
Definition:Our environment,particularly its significance during(21)__________.
Two types of cultures:
A.High context cultures
·The emphasis is the environment(22)__________.
·A message may not be stated very(23)whose meaning is(24)__________.
·A certain statement may have(25)__________.
B.(26)__________context cultures
·The emphasis is the(27)__________,which is often quite(28)__________.
·(29)__________don't often change the meaning of message very much.
·All the people are expected to understand the message in(30)__________.
【要点题判断】从本答题卡给出的notes可以看出,第26题为要点题,体现了文章的脉络,这道题的note与“A.High context cultures”在结构上并列。
Temporal perception is just one aspect of how we are shaped by our cultures.Another very strong element of our cultures is context.This refers to our environment,particularly how much of it is significant during communication.In terms of context,there are two types of cultures,high context cultures and low context cultures...
【解析】录音开头部分便提到“In terms of context,there are two types of cultures,high context cultures and low context cultures”,可知该空所在部分应该是对低语境文化的介绍,因此正确答案为Low。
例 2012年A类决赛
The police finally found the man with the details he offered on his website,such as his__________and instructions for collecting the money.
...It also included the British man's contact information and instructions on how to collect the reward.The officers followed the instructions exactly,which made it easy for them to“collect”the man for attempted murder.
【解析】文中提到“It also included the British man's contact information and instructions on how to collect the reward”,因此正确答案为contact information。
例1 2012年A类初赛
Name:Festival of Snakes
Activities:Celebrations begin with people__________and putting them in cages.
Celebrations begin on Saint Joseph's Day,March19,when the first snakes of the season are captured and put in cages.
【解析】capturing snakes(思维角度转换,主动语态转为被动语态。)
例2 2012年A类决赛
A man suspected of ajewelry store__________was arrested.He tried to find himself the alibi by saying he had committed another crime somewhere else.
In Belgium,a man who was suspected of robbing ajewelry store was tracked down and captured by the police.
例3 2012年A类决赛
But he got arrested because when the policeman entered in the ID number in his driver's license,it showed on the screen that he was the__________for arobbery.
The officer took his driver's license and entered in the ID number.A few moments later,the screen lit up,showing that the man was wanted for armed robbery.
【解析】wanted man(词性转换,非谓语动词转为名词。)
扩大词汇量,熟记新闻报道中的常用词汇。虽然英语新闻广播所使用的词汇量很大,但其中的常用词比较稳定,且重复率较高。如VOA广播中的Special English节目要求的常用词汇约为1500个,如果能熟练掌握这些词汇,听懂Special English就不是问题。
4.加强储存记忆(memory span)
5.加强及时反应(immediate recall)
6.做简短笔记(brief note-taking)
8.精听与泛听(intensive&extensive listening)
9.训练听与寻找答案同时进行(looking for the right answer while listening)